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Objective: By surveying the nonylphenol(NP) content of tap water in Zunyi(Honghuagang district and Huichuan district) to provide data support for the prevention and control of NP pollution. Methods: ? Sampling point:Collecting the water intake, the water outlet of waterworks and the water points of residents often use in Honghuagang district and Huichuan district, according to the requirements of the water quality test on November 9, 2015.? Sample size: Setting the 5 sampling points each area and each point collected three times, 30 samples were collected in all.?Samples handing:By high performance liquid chromatograph. Results: NP ware detected in tap water of Honghuagang district and Huichuan district, the rate of detection was 100%, and the concentration range of source water is 0.195 ~ 1.174μg/L, the water outlet of waterworks is 0.269~1.042μg/L, tip water is 0.32~5.434μg/L.The concentration range of source water of Honghuagang district and Huichuan district are 0.336±0.0237μg/L,0.805±0.332μg/L respectively, no difference(t=2.191,P>0.05); The concentration range of the water outlet of waterworks of Honghuagang district and Huichuan district are 0.348±0.141μg/L, 0.659±0.387μg/L respectively, no difference(t=1.443,P>0.05); The concentration range of tip water of Honghuagang district and Huichuan district are 0.438±0.0746, 2.774±1.66μg/L respectively, Huichuan district is six times than Honghuagang district, difference(t=-4.348,P<0.05). Conclusion: The survey results show that both the city of Zunyi City tap water were detected in NP, NP averageconcentration of sources water at a moderate level compared to the rest of China.The NP average concentration of tip water in Huichuan was higher than Honghuagang, lower than the US fresh water reference standard 6.6μg/L and higher than Chinese drinking water phenolic health standards 0.002mg/L.Need to be further management.
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