酵母菌>乳球菌,发酵终点其数量分别为8.10,6.35,6.07 lg(cfu/mL)。" />
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"西藏灵菇"是开菲尔粒的一个品系,本研究在西藏灵菇发酵乳发酵24h的过程中每6h取样,运用氨基酸分析仪及微生物平板计数法对游离氨基酸含量及微生物数量的变化进行了测定,旨在进一步了解"西藏灵菇"的发酵特性,为"西藏灵菇"发酵乳的开发奠定基础。结果表明:在发酵终点(24h),含量最高的氨基酸为谷氨酸[(36.67±0.35mg/L)]、脯氨酸[(25.77±1.92)mg/L]和赖氨酸[(14.18±0.23)mg/L]。发酵终点(24h)同起点(0h)相比较,含量显著上升的氨基酸为脯氨酸、赖氨酸、丙氨酸、酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸、组氨酸,显著下降的氨基酸为谷氨酸、天冬氨酸、苏氨酸、丝氨酸、半胱氨酸、缬氨酸、甲硫氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、精氨酸。17种游离氨基酸总量由(104.53±0.34)mg/L(起点)升至(113.12±1.40)mg/L(终点)。此外,在发酵过程中微生物的优势顺序为乳杆菌>酵母菌>乳球菌,发酵终点其数量分别为8.10,6.35,6.07 lg(cfu/mL)。
"Tibetan mushroom" is one strain of kefir grains,in this study we took samples every 6h during the 24 h fermentation process of Tibetan kefir,and adopted the automatic amino acid analyzer and microbial plate count method to detect the content changes of free amino acids and microorganisms,aimed at to further understand the fermentation characteristics of " Tibetan mushroom",and lay a foundation for the development of Tibetan kefir.The results showed that at ending point of fermentation(24h),Glu(36.67 ±0.35mg/L),Pro(25.77 ± 1.92mg/L) and Lys(14.18 ±0.23mg/L) were the amino acids with the highest content.Compared with the starting point of fermentation,the content of Pro,Lys,Ala,Tyr,Phe and His significantly increased at the ending point,whereas the content of Glu,Asp,Thr,Ser,Cys,Val,Met,Ile,Leu and Arg significantly decreased at the ending point.The content of 17 kinds of free amino acids increased from 104.53 ±0.34mg/L to 113.12 ±1.40mg/L during the fermentation process.In addition,during the process of fermentation,the dominance order of the microorganisms was Lactobacillus > yeast > Lactococcus,with the number of 8.10,6.35,6.07 lg/(cfu/mL) at the ending point,respectively.

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