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牛栏江流域(云南省部分)水资源综合利用规划修编依据沾益海峰省级自然保护区海拔高程控制下限1783.0 m及域规划环评对德泽水库规模提出的环境控制条件,对德泽水库规模进行了重大调整,避免了对沾益海峰省级自然保护区中实验区土地130.14 hm2的淹没、宣威方向约18km(占原规划输水线路影响长度的64%)输水线路对沾益海峰省级自然保护区、珠江源自然保护区的不利影响,充分体现了规划环境影响评价的重要性和规划环评对流域规划工程布局、规模的调控作用。
Kraal River Basin(Yunnan Province) comprehensive utilization of water resources planning revision based on provincial-level nature reserves Zhanyi Haifeng minimum altitude control 1783.0 m and the domain of planning the EIA Deze reservoir control the scale of the environmental conditions, Deze reservoir scale of the major adjustments to avoid the provincial-level nature reserve in Zhanyi Haifeng experimental zone 130.14 hm ? of land inundated, Ho direction about 18 km(the original planning of the water line length of the impact of 64 per cent) water lines Zhanyi Haifeng of the provincial-level nature reserves, the source of the Pearl River Nature Reserve, the adverse effects, fully embodies the planning environmental impact assessment and planning of the importance of the EIA on watershed planning project layout, scale of regulation.

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