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近年来,对辐照加工的需求日益增大,越来越多的食品、农作物、水产、药品、一次性用品等都需要经过电子加速器产生的高能电子束辐照处理后,才能够走向市场。在辐照过程中,加速器输出束流大小及稳定性是影响辐照效果最直接的因素,因此对于辐照加速器输出束流的测量,显得尤为重要。通常束流测量在束流管道上加陶瓷环,然后在管道外侧加装BCT测量,或直接用靶吸收束流进行测量。第一种方法要求瓷环与金属焊接,机械强度和耐热性差,容易损坏漏气,破坏真空,第二种方法在辐照货物时,由于束流被货物阻挡吸收,不能测量真实束流大小。本文介绍一种在安装在辐照加速器扫描盒出口处测量束流输出的装置,直接测量穿透钛窗,辐照货物高能电子束,测量准确,安装方便。本装置利用Rogowski线圈原理,将铁芯设计为与扫描盒法兰同样大小的矩形,安放在扫描盒出口处。脉冲束流穿过本装置,即产生感应电动势,利用专用的电路处理,即可以测量束流脉冲大小和平均束流大小。本装置在2 MeV工业辐照加速器上进行了实验验证,测量输出信号稳定,性能可靠。本装置结构简单,安装方便,测量准确,能够应用在不同能量、不同功率的射频电子直线加速器中,对于新建或者已有的加速器的束流监测,提供了另外一种简单便捷的监测手段。
At present,the demand of the irradiation to the food,the crop,the marine lives,the medicine,the one-off things increase greatly,which need to use the high energy electron beam provided by Linac.During the irradiation,it has big influence that the beam current value and its stability.So it is very important to measurement the beam current.Usually,the first beam current measurement method is use the beam current transformer(BCT),which need a ceramic ring inserting at the beam pipe.The second beam current measurement method is use a target directly.The first method need the welding between the metal and ceramic,which induce the bad mechanical strength and heat resistivity,and vacuum leak.The second method can not be used during the irradiation.The new type of beam current measurement facility installed at the output of the scanning box is introduced,which can measurement the beam current penetrating the taitanium window directly.The facility is easily to install and exectly measurement the current.The measurement principle of the facility is the Rogowski coil priciple.The iron core is designed as the same size of the flange of the scanning box.When the beam current transverse the facility,the induced voltage is dealed with the special circuit to measurement the pulsed beam current and the average current.The facility is used in the 2 MeV industry irradiation Linac and the measurement result is credibility and stability.The structure of the facility is simple and it can be installed easily.The measurement result is accurate,and can be used in the different energy,power linac,which provide a simple monitor for the built or under building accelerator.
    [4]30 MeV电子直线加速器的束流测量装置.强激光与粒子束,11(3):1999.

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