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Megaspore and female gametophyte development were observed by using semi-thin sectioning and histochemical methods in Lycium barbarum.The results showed that the Lycium barbarum spore original cells can be directly as the megaspore mother cell,then through megaspore mother cell meiosis dyad formation,and then forming the linear sequence of four megaspore,chalaza end megaspore develops into functional megaspore.Ovules attached to the central axis of an ovary with more locules.Embryo sac development smartweed and mature embryo sac is composed of 7 cells.The ovule is of anatropous,simple integument and tenuinucellus。The mature embryo sac began to accumulate starch grains The mature embryo sac is surrounded by en lothelium tapetum.It is composed or an egg apparatus,one central cell with secondary nucleus,and 3 antipodal cells.the synergid contains the filiform apparatus.At the mature embryo sac stage,some nucellar cells at the chalazal region differentiated into hypostase.
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