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To protect museum cultural relics against seismic damage, a linear rail type of level isolation device for museum showcase is developed. To study its isolation performances, shaking table tests are carried out. Model of showcase and replica of a ceramic cultural relics are made, the replica is set in the showcase by free-standing status. 2 conditions for the showcase boundary are considered: isolation condition- it is fixed to top of the isolation device, and the device free stands on shaking table board; non isolation condition- it is directly fixed to the shaking table board. Under level earthquakes, dynamic characteristics of the showcase are obtained; seismic responses such as acceleration, dynamic magnification coefficient and so on of the replica are discussed. Besides, under isolation condition, displacement response of both the isolation device and the replica are studied, re-centreing ability of the device is also tested. Results show that under non isolation condition, basic frequency value of the showcase is f0=13.5Hz; acceleration responses of the replica increases with the increase of input earthquake intensity, its dynamic magnification coefficient value Df is always greater than 1, and it is easy to overturn under high intensity earthquake waves. By contrast, under isolation condition, basic frequency of the system(isolation device+showcase+replica) is f=0.775 Hz, and its damping ratio is ξ=4.5%; both the replica and the showcase keep stable vibration status under different intensity of earthquake waves; dynamic magnification coefficient value of the replica is always less than 1. For the isolation devices, its maximum displacement value D is always within the permission scope, and it also has good re-centering ability. Thus the linear rail type of level isolation device has good isolation performances.
    [14]ZHOU Q,YAN W M.Sliding response of free-standing cultural relics under earthquakes by simulation[J].Advanced Materials Research,2011,163-167:2142-2146.

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