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本研究通过2个实验,设置权衡困难情境,探讨了价值在项目选择阶段的导向作用和学习判断(judgments of learning,JOLs)阶段的线索作用。实验1为3(项目难度:低难度、中等难度、高难度)×3(学习情境:无价值情境、1-3-6权衡情境、1-5-10权衡情境)的被试内实验设计。因变量为记忆成绩和学习判断值。实验分为三个阶段,学习阶段、JOL判断阶段和记忆测验阶段。结果发现,(1)不同价值梯度的学习情境影响记忆和元记忆,在无价值的简单学习情境下,记忆和元记忆水平呈现难度导向,即越简单的项目记忆正确率和学习判断越高;在1-3-6情境下价值和难度的作用相当,即三种难度项目记忆和元记忆水平差异均不显著;而1-5-10情境下记忆和元记忆呈现价值导向,即高分值项目虽然更难,但被试仍对价值高的项目有更高的记忆成绩和元记忆判断水平;(2)难度和价值在互为协变量时与JOL的相关均不显著,表明价值和难度可能都不是JOL的线索。实验2采用眼动追踪技术进一步探讨价值在决策阶段的导向作用和价值起作用的方式。在实验1的基础上在学习屏前设置决策屏,只呈现项目对应的难度或分值,不呈现词对;将1-5-10梯度调整为1-6-12梯度,比较1-6-12与1-3-6梯度下的"6"分项目的差异,以探讨绝对价值的作用;记录决策屏和学习屏的眼动轨迹。结果表明,(1)学习时间是JOL的线索,而非价值;(2)价值在决策期间起导向作用;(3)价值的导向作用体现在相对价值而非绝对价值。综上,本研究表明价值是以相对价值的形式在决策阶段起导向作用,并且价值不是JOL判断的线索。研究结果为价值导向元记忆研究领域中价值的作用和作用形式提供了实证依据。
Two experiments are reported examining how value reversed the effect of difficulty and what the role does value really play during study. Participants studied different difficulty word pairs at the same time, accompanied by different point of value, in which more difficult word pairs accompanied higher value. The gradients of value varied in different situations and participants made item-by-item judgments of learning(JOLs) predicting the likelihood that each item would be remembered later. Results from Experiment 1 showed that the recall rate decreased with the growing difficulty level in simple situation-no value situation. The recall rates of three kind difficult word pairs stalemated in 1-3-6 tradeoff situation. When the value gradient expanded to 1-5-10 the trend appeared reversed in which the recall rate increased along with the value. Experiment 2 used eye-tracking technique to further investigate the role of value. We adjusted the highest value gradient into 1-6-12 to explore the absolute or the relevant value effected learners. Besides, we set a value hint screen before the study screen to separate decision-making period with the study period. Experiment 2 showed that value makes sense in relative value instead of absolute value during decision-making and value is not the cue of JOLs.

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