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该文运用作者新近提出的湖泊、水库生物生态容量的研究方法,对大通湖水产品的生态容量进行了研究。结果如下:大通湖面积8267hm~2,平均水深2.0m,降水量1240.8mm;年日照1643.3h、太阳总辐射量E 105.1卡/cm~2,年可利用氮N 650t,年可利用磷P 84.605t;初级生物生态容量:G_1=E×R×q×(d_1×N+d_2×P)/2=84520t。可生产水产品的生态容量:草食性水产品产量G_1’=(1-b_1)×G_1=1.69万t;滤食性水产品产量G_2’=k×b_1×(1-b_2)×G_1=4057t;肉食性水产品产量:G_3’=k~2×b_1×b_2×G_1=270t(式中:R-太阳能利用率,d-氮、磷对初级水产生态容量权重值,q-单位氮磷量能产生的初级水产生态容量值;k-上一级生态容量转化为下一级生态容量的转化率,b-上级向下级生态容量转化率)。即大通湖水生植物类产量可达1.69万t,滤食性水产品可达4057t,肉食性水产品可达270t。
This research introduces a new calculation method of ecological capacity of aquatic products in lakes and reservoirs. We study ecological capacity of aquatic products in Datong Lake based on the current situation. In Datong Lake, the area is 8267hm~2, the average water depth is2.0m, the average annual precipitation is 1240.8mm; the average annual solar radiation time is1643.3h, the annual total solar radiation amount is 105.1 card/cm~2. The annual available nitrogen and phosphorus is 650 tons, respectively. The primary ecological capacity: G_1=E×R×q×(d_1×N+d_2× P)/2 = 8.45×10~4 kg; herbivorous ecological capacity: G_1' =(1- b_1)×G_1 = 1.69×10~8 tons;carnivorous aquatic product: G_3'= k~2×b_1×b_2×G_1=2.70×10~2 tons.(d: the contribution weights of nitrogen and phosphorus on the primary productivity(d_1+d_2 =1), q: the primary ecological capacity can be produced by a certain amount of nitrogen and phosphorus; k: the ecological capacity conversion rate fromone level to next level.) Under the existing conditions, the yield of aquatic plants can reach 16900 tons,filter feeding aquatic products can reach 4057 tons,carnivorous aquatic products up to 270 tons in the lake.

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