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Oddy测试法是一种金属加速腐蚀试验法,广泛应用于博物馆藏展材料的适用性评估。标准Oddy测试法使用银、铜和铅的块状试片来代表含有这些金属的文物,通过试片与待测材料置于同一测试管中,在密封、控湿以及60℃保温28天的条件下测试待测材料对这些试片的腐蚀情况,进而评估待测材料对相应文物的影响。本工作描述了一种新方法,将石英晶体微天平(QCM)实时监测技术引入到博物馆藏展材料评估筛选试验中,利用QCM的超高灵敏度,可以原位、定量地检测环境中腐蚀性气体对文物的破坏作用。并成功地将测试材料浓度的检测下限降低到目前Oddy法的1.44%,此浓度基本接近博物馆实际情况。利用银镀膜代替Oddy法中的银金属块,大大提高了腐蚀速率,进一步将测试周期缩短到4.5 d。标准Oddy法均是在湿度100%的条件下进行的试验,博物馆实际环境中的湿度通常在50%~60%,本研究分别测试了相对湿度分别为分别为10%、55%及100%环境下银的腐蚀速率。
Oddy test method is a accelerated corrosion test method of metal,which was widely used suitability assessment of exhibition materials in museums.Silver,copper and lead specimens are enclosed in test tube together with the test material in standard Oddy test method which requires a 28-day test period in sealing,humidity control and 60°C conditions,and the influence of the test material on the corresponding metal heritage were further investigated based on the corrosion behavior of metal specimens.A new test method,in which the quartz crystal microbalance(QCM) technology was introduced to assess museum exhibition materials,was described in this paper.QCM have high sensibility and can be used to real time and quantitatively monitor the corrosion behavior of archaeological relics.The detection limit was reduced to the 1.44%which is close to the actual situation of the museum.The employment of silver plating instead of silver metal block could greatly improve the corrosion rate and reduce the length of test period to 4.5 d.In addition,100%humidity condition was usually demanded in standard Oddy test method,while the actual humidity in museum environment typically was 50~60%.In this method,the corrosion rate of silver in 10%,55%and 100%relative humidity environment were tested respectively.
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