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  • 英文论文题名:The Review of the strategic Development Plan of Science and Technology in Africa for Ten Years
  • 论文作者:楼世洲 ; 彭自力
  • 英文论文作者:Lou Shizhou ; Peng Zili
  • 年:2016
  • 作者机构:浙江师范大学;浙江省人文社科重点研究基地"浙江师范大学非洲研究中心";浙江师范大学非洲教育研究中心;浙江省金华市优佳教育中心;
  • 论文关键词:科技创新 ; 战略规划 ; 非盟
  • 英文论文关键词:Technology Innovation ; Strategic Planning ; AU
  • 会议召开时间:2016-06-01
  • 会议录名称:非洲研究2016年第1卷(总第8卷)
  • 英文会议录名称:African Studies(No.1,2016,Vol.8)
  • 语种:中文
  • 分类号:D74
  • 学会代码:ZDFZ
  • 学会名称:浙江师范大学非洲研究院
  • 页数:11
  • 文件大小:469k
  • 原文格式:O
  • 会议级别:全国
Since the Economic Structural Adjustment Programmes carried out in 1980 s,African countries began to promote science,education and technology as nationalprimary development strategy,and seek a joint action plan for African countries at the same time.Such as the Lagos Plan of Action drafted by OAU in 1980.Although it played a positive role in African countries' scientific and technological development,it didn't work because of its measures out of practice.In the early 21" century,African countries enhanced the joint science and technology development plan to strategic altitude and launched Africa's Science and Technology Consolidated Plan of Action.Developed by the Science and Technology in Africa for Ten Years(2014—2024) worked out by AU in 2014.It identifies 5 strategic objectives,6 priority development areas,3 flagship projects,a four-stage implementation plan and a series of security measures.It fully reflects the direction of the development of science and technology of Africa.However,due to the great dependence on international aids in implementation,it will be faced with new problems and difficulties.
    (1)The world bank,Science&Technology,http://data,worldbank.org/indicator/TX.VAL TECH.CD/countries,访问时间2016-04-08。
    (3)Gabara,Nthambeleni,"Developed Nations Should Invest In African Universities",Buanews,12th,November 2009.
    (1)AU.Science,Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024,http://hrst.au.int/en/sites/default/files/STISA-published%20Book.pdf.Aclessed 2016-04-08.
    (1)AU,Science,Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024.http://hrst.au.int/e,/sites/default/files/STISA-Published%20Book.pdf.Aclessed 2016-04-08.
    (1)EBSCO,Will Money Solve African's Development Problems.http://conection.ebscohost com/c/articles/27603918/will-money-solve-africas-development-problems.2007.10.Accessed 2016-04-08.

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