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The influence of producer services on the development of equipment manufacturing industry hasbeen a hot issue in the academic field. using Sto NED method to evaluate the efficiency of the equipment manufacturing industry,this paper finds that equipment manufacturing efficiency of China is gradually reducing, the average efficiency of the eastern region is higher than that of the central and western provinces; Based on panel data, constructing an econometric model, studying technological innovation, organizational innovation and system innovation of producer service on the efficiency of Chinese equipment manufacturing industry and the regional equipment manufacturing,the result shows that productive services' innovation development is remarkable on the efficiency of equipment manufacturing industry, which represents the system innovation of the marketization index is negatively related to the efficiency of the equipment manufacturing industry, system innovation and Technology Innovation' Interaction on equipment manufacturing efficiency influenceis more remarkable, the system innovation of productive services and the size of government,control variables, improve efficiency of suppress the efficiencyof equipment manufacturing industry.Finally put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.
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