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国内外城市灾害和突发事件频有发生,城市公园具有为居民提供防灾避难、救援等保障生命安全的功能。城市公园防灾避难服务范围的合理划定成为国家防灾减灾规划研究的重要前提。国家制定的相关标准中,根据公共空间的防灾等级确定防灾避难服务范围的方法,并不适合高密度社区内城市公园防灾避难服务范围的划定,可能导致其对应疏散范围内的人数过大,使实际的人均有效面积低于规定的人均有效面积。本文以哈尔滨儿童公园为例,结合Building EXODUS软件进行疏散模拟,对其防灾避难服务范围的划定方法进行探讨,分别得到满足最佳疏散比率的安全范围、满足最佳疏散半径划定方法的安全范围和满足最佳疏散距离的安全范围三种方法。模拟结果发现,三种方法划定的防灾避难服务范围对应的疏散人数接近公园可容纳的人数,又极大缩短了不必要的时间延误。同时,总结了三种方法所适用的场地类型。高密度社区内城市公园防灾避难服务范围划定方法的研究,为进一步的疏散优化策略研究提供研究基础。
Recently,there are various unexpected disasters and emergencies on the worldwide scale.City Park has provided the function for disaster prevention and rescue to protect the safety of the residents.It is the reasonable delineation of the service area for the disaster prevention of the city park that plays an important role in the research area of National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Plan.In the relevant national norms we should determine the service area of the public space according to the ability of disaster prevention of it,but the method is not suitable for the city park in the high-density communities.It may lead more evacuees to enter the park and the actual effective area of disaster prevention for one evacuee is less than the predetermined.This study suggests the method of the area of services of disaster shelters in Harbin Children' Park.And we obtained three kinds of methods,including the safe area to meet the best ratio of evacuation,the safe area to meet best way of defining the evacuation radius,the safe area to meet best distance of evacuation.According to analysis of the results of the virtual simulation of evacuation based on the Building EXODUS,these methods let appropriate number of evacuee to enter into the park and shorten the evacuation time.At the same time,we summarize the law that the methods suitable for all kinds of public space.The research on the reasonable delineation of the service area for the city park in the high-density communities,provides basis for further research on the optimization strategy of evacuation.
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