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Tunnel excavation will change the free displacement field of surrounding soils.The larger deformation or even local cracking of adjacent buildings will occur because of the stress redistribution.Currently,the coupling influence of the stiffness of building on the foundation deformation is usually ignored in existing theoretical analytical methods.Furthermore,little attention is paid on the influence of layered soil.Based on the substructure stiffness coherence method and the finite compressible strata model,a simple method is proposed for analyzing the influences of the deformation of adjacent frame buildings with shallow foundation induced by tunnel excavation.The method is used to calculate the foundation settlement,building deformation and internal forces of the frame buildings.A parametric analysis is conducted to discuss the influences of various factors on the frame building with shallow foundation induced by tunnel excavation,including the soil compression modulus,the stiffness of beams and columns,the stiffness of foundation and the tunnel buried depth.Results show that the results of simple method are in good agreement with the FEM.The soil compression modulus in shallow layer has great impacts on the foundation settlements.The stiffness of beams or columns has little influences on the foundation settlement,but it has great impacts on the bending moment and deformation of the frame structure.With the decrease of the foundation stiffness,a larger settlement of foundation and frame deformation will be produced.The buried depth of tunnel has obvious impacts on the foundation settlement,the deformation and bending moment of frame structure.
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