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Objective:Passengervolume in coach station is important,while a fast and accurate algorithm for pedestrian detection is the foundation of passenger volume counting and personal behavior analysis.The coach station is always crowded,which proposes a new demand to traditional algorithm of pedestrian detection.It is also a big problem to ensure the real time of detection as well as the improvement of accuracy.Therefore,the algorithm of pedestrian detection based on background subtraction and Haar-like feature is proposed.Firstly,the algorithm of background subtraction is used to extract the moving regionsso that the areas of feature extraction isscaled-down a lot.Then the Haar-like feature is extracted in the moving regions.Finally,the Adaboostclassifier which is trained in advance is used to detect and judge a pedestrian.The algorithm proposed in this paper is useful in passenger volume counting in surveillance videos in coach station and solve the problems of low accuracy in background subtraction and weak real-timeperformance in Haar-like feature detection.It is proved that the speed and accuracy of the algorithm have reached the application requirements.
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