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南极磷虾(Euphausia superba)是南大洋生态系统食物网中的关键种,在南大洋中上层生态系统的能量流动中起着至关重要的承接作用。磷虾研究至今已有90多年的历史,其生物量与分布的信息一直是研究的重点,生物量评估的方法也在不断发展。从早期的浮游动物干重法、生产量与生物量比例系数转换法(捕食者消费量法、初级生产力法、磷虾幼体丰富度法)、到随后的网具采样法以及现在通用的声学法。本文通过对南极磷虾生物量评估方法发展的梳理,研究分析每种方法的优缺点,对现今通用的声学生物量评估法提出改进建议,为我国的南极磷虾生物资源的开发管理提供科学依据。
Antarctic krill(Euphausia superba) is a key species in the Antarctic marine foodweb,which plays an important role in the energy flow of south ocean pelagic ecosystem. History of krill research has been 90 years, the information of biomass and its distribution has been the focus of krill research, and the study methods were developed a lot. From the early zooplankton dry weight method, then replaced by the conversion factors of production to biomass method(consumption of predators, primary production, larval abundance of krill),nets sample method, and now wide used acoustic method. This article analysis the advantages and disadvantages of each method, this paper puts forward some suggestions for improvement of the current acoustical biomass assessment method, which could provide a scientific basis for our country's Antarctic krill biological resources development and management.

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