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In order to study the influence of different coupling approach to enclosure internal electromagnetic coupling,a enclosure irradiation coupling model with different coupling approach was set up by FIT method,the parameter to evaluate different coupling approach was brought,the influence of aperture and penetrative wire to enclosure internal coupling were analyzed.A new experiment platform based on GTEM chamber and VNA was developed to approve the numerical results.The results indicate that the experiment platform has high veracity and efficiency;the internal coupling enclosure with aperture is decided by aperture coupling and penetrative wire coupling,the enclosure coupling with short penetrative wire is influenced by enclosure resonance,the enclosure coupling with long penetrative wire are influenced by enclosure resonance and wire resonance;at low frequency,the penetrative wire coupling is the main coupling appraoch;at high frequency,when the size of aperture is far bigger than the penetrative aperture,the penetrative is the main coupling approach at the enclosure resonance frequency;the penetrative is also the main coupling approach at the wire resonance frequency,otherwise,the aperture coupling is the main coupling approach.
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