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目的全麻后患者对各种有害刺激均可诱发或加重术后躁动,其中疼痛占92.44%是最常见原因。应用四种镇痛药物解除手术后病人痛觉恢复后不适。观察四种镇痛药物缓解躁动的效果。方法 ASAⅠ-Ⅱ级全麻术后,中重度躁动病人108例,随机分成四组。Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ。四组病人在出现躁动即刻分别给予四种不同镇痛药物。(除外:儿童,精神病史,麻醉药物过敏史,代谢性疾患的单胺氧化酶服药史患者,)观察并记录躁动消失时间,平静状态时间,呼吸抑制情况和清醒时间。监测项目HR MAP SPO2.结果:Ⅳ组躁动消除最快,用药即刻消除,持续平静状态时间最长,抑制呼吸轻。结论哌替啶有效控制术后病人躁动,抑制呼吸轻,用药后平稳清醒。是缓解术后躁动的有效方法。
Objective After general anesthesia patients to various harmful stimulus all can cause or worsen postoperative restless, which accounted for 92.44% of pain is the most common cause.Four analgesic drug application lift surgery patients recover pain after discomfort.Watch four analgesic drug ease restless the effect. methodsⅠ-Ⅱlevel ASA after general anesthesia, moderate to severe restless patient 108 cases were randomly divided into four groups. Ⅰ,Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ. Four groups of patients were given immediately four different analgesic drugs when appeared restless.except: children, history of mental illness, anesthetic drugs, metabolic disorder, a history of allergies single oxidase, history, medicine patients) Watch and record the restless disappear time, calm state time, respiratory inhibition and sober time. Monitor project HR MAP SPO2.Results Ⅳgroup restless eliminate the fastest, drug use immediately eliminate, quiet condition for the longest time, control breathing light. Conclusion ] pethidine effectively control the patient restless, control breathing light, after smooth awake. Is to alleviatepostoperative restless the effective method.
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