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氟硅烷作为一种超疏水材料,广泛地应用到纺织服饰的防污染,自清洁玻璃以及电子产品的表面涂层等。由于氟硅烷具有天然的疏水性能以及绝缘性能,因此我们将氟硅烷引入到钙钛矿太阳能电池中,在钙钛矿层表面接上一层氟硅烷链,这层氟硅烷不仅充当了隔绝水分子的作用,并且能够起到了空穴阻挡的作用。本文采用最简单的旋涂法将氟硅烷旋涂到钙钛矿层表面,氟硅烷的亲水端与钙钛矿表面接触,疏水性的碳氟长链一端远离钙钛矿层,形成了一层隔离层,起到了保护钙钛矿层的作用,并且由于氟硅烷的绝缘性,阻隔了空穴与电子的进一步复合,减小了钙钛矿太阳能电池的J-V曲线的滞后。我们进一步讨论了氟硅烷的浓度对钙钛矿电池的影响,以及钙钛矿太阳能电池在空气中的稳定性。研究证明浓度为2%氟硅烷修饰的钙钛矿太阳能电池能够在湿度大于50%的空气中效率维持11%左右超过300 h。
Lead halide perovskite solar cells with high efficiency have recently attracted tremendous attention. However,the poor stability of perovskite material has hindered its practical application. Here, we presented a hydrophobic agent, fluoroalkl silane, to modify both the light absorbing layer and hole transport layer. In presence of hydrophobic coating, we obtained a stable perovskite solar cell with less hysteresis in the air. The effect of fluoroalkl silane concentration on the stability was investigated, with 2.0 wt % fluoroalkl silane solution treatment, the efficiency of perovskite solar cells has achieved over 12.0 ± 0.4 %. Moreover, those perovskite solar cells exposed in the air with about 50 % relative humidity, the efficiency was kept of around 11 % for a duration of more than 500 h, while the efficiency of those in absence of hydrophobic coating was sharply decreased from about 11 % to 1 % in a duration of 250 h.

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