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The frost heaving deformation is a serious problem of high speed railway subgrade in severe cold regions and frost heaving resistance for seasonal frozen soil subgrade is the most fundamental and important problem.This paper has studied the effect of micro-frost heave filling materials to frost heaving in high speed railway subgrade.The X-ray computerized tomography(X-CT)method was used to reconstruct the microstructure of graded aggregate with fine-grain soil addition and the influence factors of the inner structure such as the porosity,pore distribution after frozen were discussed.The samples with different water saturation were prepared by water immersion and then these samples were frozen in a refrigeration equipment to make sure the inner water has turned into ice completely.The changes of porosity and ice distribution could be observed by analyzing the CT images with the help of related image processing software.In particularly,the microstructure evolution of this material during frost heaving was monitored by CT scanning test.
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