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刺参(Sichopus japonicus)由于其独特的弹性和适口性,在日本和中国深受广大消费者的青睐,具有极高的经济价值。加热是海参生产过程中一个重要环节。本文中,海参体壁经两步加热制得产品,首先是40℃预加热,之后是在80℃下二次加热。在此过程中,海参体壁的水分分布变化情况通过低场核磁方法进行监控。结果显示,在40℃下加热120分钟过程中,只能监测到自由水的峰,且峰面积随加热时间的延长没有显著性变化,这表明,在此过程中胶原纤维结构变化和水分损失情况并不显著。当在80℃下进行二次加热时,可同时监测到结合水、不可移动水及自由水三个峰,且T_2弛豫时间及自由水峰的面积明显减少,提示胶原纤维的内部结构重大变化,持水能力的明显减弱。且在两次加热过程中,T_2参数与质构数据具有很好的相关性。
Sea cucumber(Stichopus japonicus)is regarded as a highly priced delicacy in Japan and China owing to its unique elasticity and palatability.Heating is an essential step to process sea cucumber with desired texture.In the present study,sea cucumber body wall was pre-heated at 40℃,followed by post-heated at 80 ℃.Changes in body wall were assessed by LFNMR.LF-NMR analysis displayed onlyone water population in samples pre-heated at 40 ℃ for up to 120 min,and the population did not change significantly with the heating duration.This demonstrated that structural changes and moisture loss from the inter collagen fibrils were not significant.As for samples post-heated at 80 ℃,three distinct peaks were found and the T_2relaxation time and area of the bulk water decreased significantly,revealing significant changes of internal structures and loss of water-holding capacity.T_2 parameters had a good correlation to texture profile analysis parameters for samples after both preheating and post-heating.

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