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影子银行是指在传统银行之外进行信用转换、期限转换和流动性转换的一套间接金融体系。中国的影子银行体系非常复杂,其主要是通过理财产品来完成信用转换的,在这一过程中经常会采用"资金池"形式。该影子银行模式在很大程度上受到我国独特政经监管环境(如严格的金融牌照制度和信贷政策控制)的影响。资金的需求端和供应端均时有创新,例如地方政府融资平台、个体网络借贷(Peer to Peer,P2P)等。监管部门对这些金融创新也进行了响应及干预,影子银行的市场运作和监管在相互博弈的过程中不断进化,不过目前的监管思路仍有必要调整。
[1]Dwight B.Crane,et al.,The Global Financial System:A Functional Perspective,Harvard Business School Press,1995;Robert C.Merton,"A Functional Perspective of Financial Intermediation",24 Financial Management(1995),p.23.
    [2]Nicola Cetorelli,et al.,"The Evolution of Banks and Financial Intermediation:Framing the Analysis",18Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review(2012),p.1.
    [1]Financial Stability Board,"Global Shadow Banking Monitoring Report 2013",November 2013,available at:
    [2]ZoltanPozsar,et al.,"Shadow Banking",Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report No.458,July2010,Revised February 2012,p.9,available at:
    [3]Financial Stability Board,"Global Shadow Banking Monitoring Report 2013",November 2013,available at:
    [5]金融危机调查委员会的调查结果认为,2008年金融危机是由影子银行引发的,See Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission,"Preliminary Staff Report:Shadow Banking and the Financial Crisis",4 May 2010,available at:
    [6]Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act(Dodd-Frank Act),Pub.L.No.111~203,124 Stat.1376(2010)(to be Codified in Scattered Sections of the US Code),available at:
    [7]Also known as the Banking Act of 1933(48 Stat.162).
    [1]Dodd-Frank Act,supra n.8,Section 403.
    [2]Dodd-Frank Act,TitleⅧ,Wall Street Transparency and Accountability.
    [3]Dodd-Frank Act,TitleⅥ,Improvements to Regulation of Bank and Savings Association Holding Companies and Depository Institutions.
    [4]Paul McCully,"Teton Reflections",August/September 2007,available at:
    [1]Paul McCully,"Teton Reflections",August/September 2007,available at:
    [2]Paul McCully,"Teton Reflections",August/September 2007,available at:
    [3]Financial Stability Board,"Shadow Banking:Scoping the Issues",12 April 2011,available at:;KláraBakk-Simon,et al.,"Shadow Banking in the Euro Area",European Central Bank Occasional Paper Series,No 133/April 2012,available at:;ZoltanPozsar,et al.,"Shadow Banking",Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report No.458,July 2010,Revised February 2012,p.9,available at:
    [4]Financial Stability Board,"Shadow Banking:Scoping the Issues",12 April 2011,available at:;KláraBakk-Simon,et al.,"Shadow Banking in the Euro Area",European Central Bank Occasional Paper Series,No 133/April 2012,available at:;ZoltanPozsar,et al.,"Shadow Banking",Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report No.458,July 2010,Revised February 2012,p.9,available at:
    [5]Financial Stability Board,"Shadow Banking:Scoping the Issues",12 April 2011,available at:
    [1]ZoltanPozsar,et al.,"Shadow Banking",Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff"Report No.458,July2010,Revised February 2012,p.9,available at:
    [2]KláraBakk-Simon,et al.,"Shadow Banking in the Euro Area",European Central Bank Occasional Paper Series,No 133/April 2012,available at:
    [1]ZoltanPozsar,et al.,"Shadow Banking",Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff"Report No.458,July2010,Revised February 2012,p.9,available at:,p.5.
    [2]ZoltanPozsar,et al.,"Shadow Banking",Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff"Report No.458,July2010,Revised February 2012,p.9,available at:,p.5.
    [1]ShenWei,"Shadow Banking in China—Origin,Uniqueness and Governmental Responses",1 J.I.B.L.R.20(2013).
    [2]Steven Schwarcz,"Shadow Banking,Financial Risk,and Regulation in China and Other Developing Countries",GEG Working Paper 83(2013).
    [1]DanAwrey,"Law and Finance in the Chinese Shadow Banking System",48 Cornell lnt'l L.J.1(2015).
    [2]ZoltanPozsar,et al.,"Shadow Banking",Federal Reserve Bank of New York Staff Report No.458,July 2010,Revised February 2012,p.9,available at:,supra n.4.
    [1]SEC Final Rule:Valuation of Debt Instruments and Computation of Current Price per Share hy Certain Openend Investment Companies(Money Market Funds),17 CF.R Part 270,available at:
    [2]不过,金融危机之后,SEC在金融稳定监管委员会FSOC的强烈建议下,再次要求某些货币市场共同基金采取浮动净额制度。Available at: JiJqs.
    [3]Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.95(FAS95).
    [4]Gary Gorton and Andrew Metrick,"Regulating the Shadow Banking System",41 Brookings Papers on Ecoomic Activity(2010),p.265.
    [5]Gary Gorton and Andrew Metrick,"Regulating the Shadow Banking System",41 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity(2010),pp.263~264.
    [1]See Nicola Cetorelli,et al.,"The Evolution of Banks and Financial Intermediation:Framing the Analysis",18 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review(2012).
    [2]See Congressional Record,73d Cong.,1st Sess.,May 19,1933,LXXVII,part 4,p.3729.
    [3]See June 16,1933,ch.89,§1,48 Stat.162;Aug.23,1935,ch.614,§1,49 Stat.684.
    [4]See Code of Federal Regulations,Part 217:Capital Adequacy of Bank Holding Companies,Savings and Loan Holding Companies,and State Member Banks(Regulation Q).
    [5]See R.Alton Gilbert,"Requiem for Regulation Q:What It Did and Why It Passed Away",Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis,February 1986.
    [1]R.Alton Gilbert,"Requiem for Regulation Q:What It Did and Why It Passed Away",Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis,February 1986.Ibid.
    [2]See Wikipedia,"Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation",available at
    [3]ZoltanPozsar,"Institutional Cash Pools and the Triffin Dilemma of the U.S.Banking System",IMF Working Paper,WP/11/190,available at
    [4]Charles K.Whitehead,"Reframing Financial Regulation",90 Boston University Law Review(2010),p.4.
    [5]Gary Gorton and Andrew Metrick,"Regulating the Shadow Banking System",41 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity(2010),pp.277~278.
    [1]Nicola Cetorelli,et al.,"The Evolution of Banks and Financial Intermediation:Framing the Analysis",18Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review(2012),p.5.
    [2]Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco,"Shadow Banking in China:Expanding Scale,Evolving Structure",available at:
    [3]Financial Stability Board,"Global Shadow Banking Monitoring Report 2014",October 2014,available at:
    [4]IMF,"Global Financial Stability Report:Moving from Liquidity-to Growth-Driven Markets",April 2014,p.33,available at:
    [5]法律的金融理论是关于法律与金融关系的新兴理论。该理论强调法律是金融市场的内生机制,金融市场是一个公私结合并且有阶层的结构,法律规则本身可能会导致金融市场的不稳定性。关于这个理论更多的讨论,请参见41 Journal of Compartive Economics(2013),Special Issue.
    [6]Katharina Pistor,"A Legal Theory of Finance",41 Journal of Comparative Economics(2013),pp.315~330.
    [7]"China's 4 Trillion Yuan Stimulus to Boost the Economy,Domestic Demand",,9 November 2008,available at:
    [1]"China's 4 Trillion Yuan Stimulus to Boost the Economy,Domestic Demand",,9 November 2008,available at:
    [2]"China's 4 Trillion Yuan Stimulus to Boost the Economy,Domestic Demand",,9 November 2008,available at:
    [3]Ian Bremmer,The End of the Free Market.Who Wins the War Between States and Corporations?(New York,Portfolio2010),pp.134~135.
    [6]Franklin Allen and Jun Qian,"China's Financial System and the Law",47 Cornell International Law Journal499,504(2014).
    [2]CBRC 2013 Annual Report,available at:
    [3]上述数据来源为工商银行、建设银行、农业银行、中国银行和交通银行2013年年报。参见;;;;and EFinancial+Report.
    [1]Yinqiu Lu and Tao Sun,“Local Government Financing Plaftorms in China:A Fortune or Misfortune?”,IMF Working Paper WP/13/243,October 2013,available at:
    [2]“Backgrounder:China's Stimulating Policies in Financial Crisis”,,27 February 2010,available at:
    [1]参见“中国人民银行决定进一步推进市场化改革”,available at:
    [4]2013年全国银行业监管工作会议上,银监会要求银行“对房地产贷款风险,要认真执行房地产调控政策,落实差别化房贷要求,加强名单制管理和压力测试。”2014年全国银行业监管工作会议上,银监会再次强调银行要“严控房地产贷款风险,高度关注重点企业,继续强化‘名单制'管理,防范个别企业资金链断裂可能产生的风险传染”。参见“银监会召开2013年全国银行业监管工作会议”,2013年1月14日,;以及“银监会召开2014年全国银行业监管工作会议”,2014年1月6日, C5446197B378338519E70B.html.
    [4]See Franklin Allen and Jun Qian,"China's Financial System and the Law",47 Cornell International Law Journal 499,2014,pp.542~546.
    [5]Franklin Allen and Jun Qian,"China's Financial System and the Law",47 Cornell International Law Journal499,2014,p.544.
    [6]Franklin Allen and Jun Qian,"China's Financial System and the Law",47 Cornell International Law Journal499,2014,p.517.
    [2]豪威规则是美国界定受《证券法》规制的“证券”的重要检验规则。在SEC v.W.J.Howey Co.,328 U.S.293(1946)一案中,法院多数意见认为,如果在一份合同中,某人①投资金钱;②投资于一项共同事业;③期待获利;④其获利归功于他人的努力,那么该合同属于“投资合同”,即“证券”。
    [4]IMF,"Global Financial Stability Report:Moving from Liquidity-to Growth-Driven Markets",April 2014,p.33,available at:
    [1]典型的美国P2P融资平台运作模式可以参见Prosper,“Company Overview”,
    [3]Xiao Gang,“Regulating Shadow Banking”,China Daily,12 October 2012,available at:资金池在中国并没有明确的概念。其运作原理与资产证券化中的SIV类似,是资产的集合。银行或者其他金融机构会基于池中资产发行证券,池中资产产生的现金流用于偿付购买证券的投资者。但是资金池并没有SIV的独立法人人格,因此资金池的资产与银行或者金融机构其他资产的隔离并不明确,这就导致资金池的透明度更低,因此相较于正规的资产证券化过程,风险更高。
    [4]More than 60%of Bank-issued WMPs Issued in 2012 Mature in Three Months,See Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco,"Shadow Banking in China:Expanding Scale,Evolving Structure",available at:
    [1]IMF,"Global Financial Stability Report:Moving from Liquidity-to Growth-Driven Markets",April 2014,p.33,available at:
    [1]"Spotlight is Set to Shine on Shadow Banking",China Daily,22 January 2014,available at:
    [1]Qizheng Mao,"Measuring Off-Balance-Sheet Wealth Management Business of Commercial Banks:The Case in China",36 International Financial Corporation(IFC)Bulletin(2013),available at:
    [2]See Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco,"Shadow Banking in China:Expanding Scale,Evolving Structure",available at:
    [1]See Min Liao,"guest post in the Financial Times",10 July 2014,available at:

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