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需冷量指落叶果树打破自然休眠对低温需求的有效小时数,直接影响果树的萌芽率、花芽率及花的大小和一致性,在果树的商业化栽培利用方面具有重要的作用。本研究选取我国重要商业化应用的3个品种(系)‘武植7号'、‘翠玉'、‘金魁'为研究对象,采用"犹他模型[Utah Model]"来估算田间低温累积,当田间自然低温累积第一次达到100 CU时,一次性采集所有枝条置于4℃冷库,每隔100 CU取出置于温室水培,每隔两天记录其生理指标。研究结果表明‘武植7号'营养芽需冷量为261 CU,‘翠玉'营养芽需冷量为707CU,‘金魁'营养芽需冷量652 CU。花芽需冷量‘金魁'为1249 CU,‘武植7号'与‘翠玉'相近分别为959 CU和964 CU。研究表明‘金魁'营养芽及花芽需冷量相对较高,因此若种植在温暖地区、需冷量无法得到满足,则极易影响到其萌芽及开花,‘武植7号'营养芽需冷量较低若种植在较为寒冷地区,则易遭受早春冻害。
Chilling requirements were usually refered as a minimum of chiling hours received during winter.Leaf and floral budbreak,uniformmity and density in spring were directly related to chilling requirements.Therefore,the knowledge of chilling requirements of a cultivar has significant paractical and economic impacts on the control,maintenance and breeding program of temperate fruits.In this study,the kiwifruit cultivars examined were cv 'Wuzhi-7',cv 'Cuiyu' andcv 'Jinkui'.Chilling requirements of these cultivars were estimated by Utah model(CU) under artificial chilling conditions(4℃).All the cuttings were collected at the first 100 chilling unit,and then were kept in artificial chilling conditions(4℃).The cuttings were forced in a greenhouse maintained at 22℃ each 100 CU.The physiological parameters were recorded every two days.The results obtained in this study showed 'Wuzhi-7' with the lowest chilling requirements 261 CU,'Cuiyu' 707 CU,'Jinkui'652CU for leaf budbreak,and 'Wuzhi-7'959CU,'Cuiyu'964CU,'Jinkui' 1249 CU for floral budbreak.If cv 'Jinkui',a high chilling reuiqrement cultivar for both leaf and floral budbreak,were established in an area where its chilling requirements were not satisfied adequately,the vegetative and productive behaviour of the cultivar will be affected neagtively.On the contrary,if cv'Wuzhi-7',with low chilling requirements,were grown in cold-winter areas,breaking and blomming will happens too early and can induce an important loss of yield by frost.
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