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Since 1945,western academia has undertaken enormous research on African ethnicity,with a focus on the complicated relationship between the colonial rule and the making of ethnicity.Four major research currents has emerged,which in chronological order,are studies of tribalism in the process of urbanization,discussions of ethnicity and the nation-building in Africa,researches on the constructionism and colonial tribe "invention",and the reflections on the constructionism.These research indicates that the pre-colonial Africa was not rigid society consisted of bounded tribes,"tribe" or "ethnicity"was formed in the colonial era,but this does not mean that "ethnicity" was the invention of European colonizers,but the creature of African social construction process.The colonial tribal "invention",built upon the basis of African social structural evolution,was an integral part of African modernization.
    (1)See Godfrey Wilson,An Essay on the Economics of Detribalization in Northern Rhodesia,Manchester University Press,1968.
    (2)Max Gluckman,"Tribalism in Modern British Central Africa",Cahiers a"etudes Africaines,Vol.1,No.1,1960,pp.55-70.
    (3)Max Gluckman,"Tribalism in Modern British Central Africa",p.55.
    (4)J.Clyde Mitchell,"Tribe and Social Change in South Central Africa:A Situational Approach",Journal of Asian and African Studies,Vol.5,No.1-2,1970,pp.83-101.
    (1)Arnold Leonard Epstein,Politics in an Urban African Community,Manchester:Manchester University Press,1958,pp.235-236.
    (2)Max Gluckman,"Tribalism in Modern British Central Africa",p.60.
    (3)See Issac Schapera,Migration Labour and Tribal Life:A Study of Conditions in the Bechuanaland Protectorate,London:Oxford University Press,1947.
    (4)See William Watson,Tribal Cohesion in Money Economy:Study of Mambwe People of North Rhodesia,Manchester:Manchester University Press,1958;J.Van Velsen,"Labour Migration as a Positive Factor in the Continuity of Tonga Tribal Society",Economic Development and Cultural Change,Vol.8,No.3,1964,pp.265-278.
    (5)Meyer Fortes,"The Political System of the Tallens:of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast",in Meyer Fortes&E.E.Evans—Pritchard eds.,African Political System,Oxford University Press,1970,pp.239-240.
    (1)Immanuel Wallerstein,"Ethnicity and National Integration in West Africa",Cahiers d'études Africaine,Vol.1,No.3,1960,pp.129-139.
    (1)Robert H.Bates,"Ethnic Competition and Modernization in Contemporary Africa",Comparative Political Studies,Vol.6,No.4,1974,p.475.
    (2)David.B.Abernethy,The Political Dilemma of Popular Education:an African Case,Stanford:Stanford University Press,1969,p.108.
    (3)Robert H.Bates,"Ethnic Competition and Modernization in Contemporary Africa",pp.469-470.
    (4)Stanley Tambiah,"Ethnic Conflict in the World Today",American Ethnologist,Vol.16,No.2,1989,p.343.
    (1)Thomas Spear,"The Neo-traditionalism and the Limits of Invention in British Colonial Africa",Journal of African History,Vol 44,No.1,2003,pp.16-17.
    (2)J.D.Y.Peel,"The Cultural Work of Yoruba Ethnogenesis",in Elizabeth Tonkin,Maryon McDonald,Malcolm Chapman,eds.,History and Ethnicity,London:Routledge Press,1989,pp.198-200.
    (1)A.W.Southall,"The Illusion of Tribe",in Peter W.Gutkind,ed.,The Passing of the Tribal Man,Leiden:Brill,1970,p.35.
    (2)关于绍纳族,参见Terrence Ranger,"Missionaries,Migrants and the Manyika:the Invention of Ethnicity in Zimbabwe",in Leroy Vail,ed.,The Creation of Tribalism in Southern Africa,James Curry Press,1989;关于约鲁巴族,参见J.D.Y.Peel,"The Cultural Work of Yoruba Ethnogenesis",pp.198-200.
    (3)Bruce Berman,"Ethnicity,Patronage and the African state:the Politics of Uncivil Nationalism",African Affairs,Vol.97,No.388,1998,p.311.
    (4)Jean-Loup Amselle,Mestizo Logics:Anthropology of Identity in Africa and Elsewhere,Stanford University Press,1998,pp.1-18,41-55.
    (2)John Iliffe,A Modem History of Tanganyika,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1979,p.323.
    (3)Timothy Parsons,"Being Kikuyu in Meru:Challenging the Tribal Geography of Colonial Kenya",Journal of African History,VoL 53,No.1,2012,p.74.
    (1)Bruce Berman,Control and Crisis in Colonial Kenya:The Dialectic of Domination,James Curry Press,1990,pp.147,153.
    (2)Sally Falk Moore,Social Facts and Fabrications:"Customary"Law on Kilimanjaro,1880—1980,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986;Martin Chanock,Law,Custom and Social Order:the Colonial Experience in Malawi and Zambia,Heinemann,1998.
    (3)近年来的非洲史研究表明,间接统治制度事实上是包括法国在内的欧洲殖民宗主国在非洲广泛推行的统治制度。以法届西非殖民地为例,“一战”后,法属西非殖民统治政策经历了从强调“封建解放”和“直接接触”的“同化”(assimilation)政策向保护土著政治结构的“联合”(association)政策的转变。法属西非的殖民统治依靠着大约47000名乡村酋长和2206名的地区酋长。See Alice L.Conklin,"'Democracy'Rediscovered:Civilization through Association in French West Africa(1914—1930)",Cahiers d'Studes Africaines,Vol.37,No.145,1997,pp.59-84;Mahmood Mamdani,Citizen and Subject:Contemporary Africa and the Legacy of Late Colonialism,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1996.
    (4)Terrence Ranger,"The Invention of Tradition in Colonial Africa",in Eric Hobsbawm,Terrence Ranger,eds.,The Invention of Traditio,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1983,p.250.
    (5)Adam Kuper,Anthropology and Anthropologists:The Modem British School,London:Routledge,1983,pp.99-120.
    (1)Ruth Ginio,"French Colonial Reading of Ethnographic Research:The Case of the*Desertion'of the Abron King and its Aftermath",Cahiers d'Studes Africaines,Vol.166,2002,p.340.
    (3)Thomas Hylland Eriksen,Ethnicity and Nationalism:Anthropological Perspectives,London:Pluto Press,1993,pp.15-17.
    (1)John Iliffe,A Modem History of Tanganyika,p.324.
    (2)Terrence Ranger,"The Invention of Tradition Revisited:the Case of Africa",Terrence Ranger&Olufemi Vaughan,eds.,Legitimacy and the State in Twentieth Century Africa,London:Macmillan,1993,pp.79-83.
    (1)Thomas Spear,"The Neo-traditionalism and the Limits of Invention in British Colonial Africa",Journal of African History,Vol.44,No.1,2003,p.24.
    (2)Mahmood Mamdani,Citizen and Subject,p.187.
    (3)Timothy Parsons,"Being Kikuyu in Meru",pp.65-86.
    (4)Leroy Vail,"Introduction:Ethnicity in Southern African History",in Leroy Vail,ed.,The Creation of Tribalism in Southern Africa,pp.13-16.
    (1)Bruce Berman and John Lonsdale,Unhappy Valley:Conflict in Kenya and Africa,London:James Curry Press,1992,pp.328-330.
    (1)John L Comaroff,"Ethnicity,Nationalism,and the Politics of Difference in an Age of Revolution",in Edwin N.Wilmsen&Patrick Mcallister,eds.,The Politics of Difference,Ethnic Premises in a World of Power,Chichago University Press,1996,pp.162-183.
    (2)Leroy Vail,"Introduction:Ethnicity in southern African History",pp.1-3.

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