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生命的基本组成单元核酸碱基和氨基酸等分子自身具有一定的光稳定特性,使之可以对抗一定程度的UV辐射。其机制在于此类分子的激发态可通过超快的非辐射弛豫通道迅速返回到分子的基态。苯酚分子作为氨基酸分子酪氨酸的模型分子,其光解离生成H原子和苯氧自由基的非绝热动力学过程一直是实验和理论研究的重点。我们通过结合四种理论方法,(1)基于组态平滑的4-fold way透热化方法,(2)实现多态全维势能面拟合的锚点反应势方法,(3)同时考虑相干和去相干的CSDM多态轨迹模拟方法,和(4)在经典轨迹模拟中引入量子隧穿效应的行军蚁算法,实现了对苯酚光解离非绝热动力学过程的全维(33维)多态轨迹模拟。通过对最终态的解析,再现了实验上观测到的动能释放光谱,并获得了大量实验上无法直接获得的信息。
Building blocks of life, nucleic acid bases and amino acids, have an inherent photostability against UV irradiation. The mechanism of "photostability" is due to the existence of ultrafast non-radiative decay routes from their excited states to ground states. Phenol is a model molecule of the amino acid molecule, tyrosine, and its photodissociation dynamics to H and phenoxyl radical have been studied extensively. We did full-dimensional multistate semiclassical trajectory simulations for this nonadiabatic process by combining four theoretical methods, which are the 4-fold way diabatization method based on the configurational smoothness, anchor points reactive potential for fitting of full-dimensional potential energy surfaces for multistates, CSDM multistate trajectory simulation method considering both coherence and decoherence, and army ants tunneling to including tunneling in classical simulations. By analyzing the final states, the simulations reproduced experimental total kinetic energy release spectra and reveal a lot of details that cannot be directly obtained by experiments.

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