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A soil remediation method based on magnetic beneficiation has been reported. In order to research on the adsorption mechanics of MSC-IDA, MSC-IDA was prepared via inorganic-organic and organic synthesis reactions with Core-shell microspheres Fe3O4@Si O2 by graft iminodiacetic acid(IDA).The structures,morphology, component and property of the composites were characterized by means of modern testing techniques. Results showed that MSC-IDA has a good magnetic separation performance. The max adsorption capacities of MSC-IDA for Cd(Ⅱ)was 22.8 mg/g with the p H=7.0; MSC-IDA has the ability to chelate heavy metal ions(M) such as water-soluble, interchangeable, carbonate-bound, iron-manganese oxide-bound, into soluble magnetic solid that was easy to separate magnetically, resulting in the removal rate of approximately 84.9% for Cd.
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