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该研究以水听器(TC4032)记录了保护区内两种快艇(5米的小型快艇和12米的大型快艇)在不同航速(均划分为慢速、中速、快速3档速度)下所产生的水下噪声,分析结果表明,快艇噪声除了含有大量<100Hz的低频成分外,还包含>1k Hz的中高频成分,涵盖了<10HZ到>100k Hz的频率范围,宽于江豚听力的敏感频率范围。各频率成分的声压级可高达140 dBre 1μPa,远高于江豚的听觉阈值。而快艇速度越快,其噪声的高频成分能量就越高,声压级就越大。
This research recorded the noise made by 2 kinds of fast-speed boats(5 meters long and 12 meters long) at different speed(slow, medium and fast) with hydrophone(TC4032) in Tian-E-Zhou oxbow. The results showed that besides the low frequency noise components <10Hz, its high frequency components can reach >100k Hz. Their sound pressure level(SPL) can reach 140 dBre 1μPa, higher than the hearing threshold of the Yangtze Finless Porpoise. The energy of the high frequency components and the SPL of the noise are proportional to the speed of the boats.
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