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The history of the western civilization has witnessed striking tensions between Christianity and civil religion. At the end of Roman Empire,Augustine denied the political and moral utility of Roman civil religion by exposing its falsity,absurdity and corruption,and defended Christianity's claim for religious truths in order to establish the superiority of Christianity over antique civil religion. In the modem period, based on his understanding of Christianity as an otherworldly religion and a divisive force in politics and society, Rousseau denied the political value of Christianity. However, he drew from Christianity to create his own civil religion founded on religious sentiments and civil obligations. In the history of the United States from the beginning of its colonial period, a Civil Religion with an evident Christian character has been formed. However, it displayed a strong vulnerability to be abused and distorted and evolved to become a dangerous cult of nationalism,and therefore it needs to be bounded and criticized by Christianity. The compatibility and tension between Christianity and civil religion enables the former to become a critical but constructive resource for civil religion.
[1]关于公民宗教的定义,参见Ronald Weed,John Von Heyking,Civil Religion in Political Thought:Its Perennial Questions and Enduring Relevance in North America,Washington,D.C:The Catholic University of America Press,2010.pp.vii,2.
    [2]V.Bradley Lewis,“Gods for the City and Beyond:Civil Religion in Plato's Laws,”in Ronald Weed,John Von Heyking,Civil Religion in Political Thought,pp.19-46.
    [2]参见Ernest Kantorowicz.,The King's Two Bodies:A Study in Medieval Political Theology.Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1957.
    [3]以下关于罗马知识分子对基督教的批判和对罗马公民宗教的捍卫,主要参照了Matthias Riedl,Truth Versus Utility:The Debate on Civil Religion in the Roman Empire of the Third and Fourth Centuries,in Ronald Weed,John Von Heyking,Civil Religion in Political Thought,pp.47-65.
    [1]Augustine:The City of God againstthe Pagans.trans R.W.Dyson.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1998.Book iv,chpter 27.以下在文中夹注,格式为City of God卷、章、页码。
    [2]关于奥古斯丁对斯凯夫拉的讨论及其引起的争议,参见Ernest Fortin,“Augustine and Roman Civil Religion:Some Critical Reflections”.in Revue d'Etudes Augustiniennes et Patristiques,1980,Vol.26(3),pp.238-256.
    [2]Ernest Fortin,“Augustine and Roman Civil Religion:Some Critical Reflections”pp.255-256.另参见,David.J.Bobb,The Humility of True Religion:Augustine's Critique of Roman Civil Religion,in Ronald Weed,John Von Heyking,Civil Religion in Political Thought,pp.66-92.
    [1]Jean-Jacques Rousseau,Du Contrat Social,in Jean-jacques Rousseau,Oeuvres Complètes,ed.Bernard Gagnebin et Marcel Raymond,Gallimard,1959-1995.t.Ⅲ,p.465.以下简称OC.Ⅲ.在文中注出,附加页码。
    [1]Alexis de Tocqueville,De la démocratie en Amérique,ed.Edouardo Nolla.Paris:Librairie Philosophique J.Vrin,1990.T.1,p.30.
    [1]Robert Bellah,“Civil Religion in America”,in Daedalus Vol.96,No.1,(Winter,1967),pp.1-2 p.17.
    [2]Peter Gardella,American Civil Religion:What Americans Hold Sacred.Oxford University Press,2014.p.181.
    [1]Peter Gardella,American Civil Religion,p.184.
    [2]Raymond Haberski,God and War:American Civil Religion since 1945.Rutgers University Press,p.51.
    [3]Raymond Haberski,God and War,p.42.
    [1]Raymond Haberski,God and War,p.102.
    [2]Peter Gardella,American Civil Religion:What Americans Hold Sacred.关于美国公民宗教的中文研究,参见任军锋:“神佑美利坚——公民宗教在美国”,《现代政治与道德》,“思想与社会”第5辑,上海三联书店,2006年。

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