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目的:运动与认知的关系已经成为全球所关注的热门课题。本文在实验室环境条件下,利用近红外光谱脑科学技术,通过运动负荷刺激的形式观察被试机体负荷前后的恢复情况以及相对应时间执行控制方面的脑区激活状况和相关的NIRS指标变化,旨在观察运动后恢复时间与认知控制能力之间变化关系,探寻运动负荷和恢复时间对于认知控制能力的影响。方法:本文采用近红外光谱技术(NIRS),研究对象选取首都体育学院非运动训练专业研究生18名。征得受试者同意并签订实验知情同意书后进行一次20分钟由靶心率控制的低负荷跑台运动,并在运动负荷之前(前测),运动负荷结束并间歇10分钟(中测),运动负荷结束并间歇30分钟(后测)总共三个测试阶段完成flanker任务。并通过近红外光谱技术仪器收集大脑的血氧指标。在实验进行当中,关键的记录点要采集机体运动相关的生理指标以及运动自我感觉量表数值。实验开始前与结束后,受试者要填写Watson心境量表。结果:1对比Flanker任务测试结果发现,在一致性条件任务中,中测和后测比前测正确率提高,反应时减少;在不一致条件任务中,中测和后测比前测正确率提高,中测比前测反应时减少,后测比前测反应时无明显差异。女性与男性测试结果无明显差异。2 Watson测试:受试者在实验结束后,消极类情绪分数对比实验开始前下降或不变,表明消极情绪有所缓解,多数积极类情绪分数上升,表明积极情绪有所提高。意志坚定和留心分数下降,考虑为精力有所减少造成。3生理指标中,心率和血乳酸有比较高的相关程度,呈现出显著相关水平(P<0.05);运动自我感觉和心率有很高的相关程度,相关水平为非常显著(P<0.01)。结论:1经过对flanker测试结果,并结合生理指标进行分析表明短时低强度有氧运动对普通大学生的执行控制功能有促进作用。2对Watson主观心境变化指标进行分析后发现实验结束后比实验前有显著变化,说明低强度有氧运动对普通大学生的心境状态有促进作用。3进行短时低强度有氧运动并休息后,大脑氧合血红蛋白相对变化量较运动前有提高,部分通道显著提高;休息更长时间后,氧合血红蛋白相对变化量较运动前仍有提高,说明低强度有氧运动对大脑产生有效刺激。4血乳酸、心率和运动自我感觉等指标之间有着显著的相关性,它们在对于运动疲劳的判定有很大的统计学意义和客观性。
Objective Relationship between exercise and cognition has now become a global hot topic. Using near infrared spectroscopy(NIRS) technology, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the recovery time after exercise and the cognitive control function. Recovery condition of the subjects before and after the exercise was observed, the corresponding brain activation status was recorded and changes in NIRS indicators were measured. The influence of exercise load and recovery time on cognitive control function was explored. Methods Participants in this study were 18 non-sports major graduate students from the Capital University of Physical Education and Sports. Informed consent was obtained from the participants to conduct a 20-minute low-intensity treadmill exercise controlled by the target heart rate. Flanker task was performed prior to the exercise(pre-test), 10 minutes after the exercise(during-test), and 30 minutes after the exercise(post-test). Brain oxygen index was collected with near infrared spectroscopy instruments and participants were asked to fill in the Watson Mood Scale before and after the experiment. Results It was found from the Flanker task test that in the consistent condition task, during-test and post-test had higher accuracy rate and shorter reaction time than pre-test; in the inconsistent condition task, during-test and post-test had higher accuracy rate than pre-test. The reaction time was shorter in during-test than pre-test and no significant difference was observed between post-test and pre-test. Test result also shows that there's no significant difference between female and male. In the Watson test, the negative sentiment score tended to decline or remain unchanged after experiment. Most of the positive sentiment scores increased, indicating that the mood of participants has been improved after exercise. Scores on willpower and attention decreased and this is probably resulting from the decrease in energy after exercise. For the physiological indicators, heart rate and blood lactate level showed a significant correlation(P <0.05); self-feeling and heart rate also showed a high degree of correlation(P <0.01). Conclusions Results from flanker test and the physiological indicators showed that short-term low-intensity aerobic exercise will benefit the control functions of ordinary college students. And the significant difference before and after exercise in Watson test indicated that low-intensity aerobic exercise will help promote the mood states of ordinary college students. The increased amount of hemoglobin oxygenation after exercise showed that the low-intensity aerobic exercise have an influence on the brain function. Significant correlation between blood lactate, heart rate and other indicators of self-evaluation has great statistical significance and objectivity.

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