Water Quality Index of Floodplain River Lubuk Lampam South Sumatera Indonesia
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Lubuk Lampam is one of floodplain rivers area and part of this region had been determined as fisheries reserve. It is important to keep the sustainability of the ecosystem as floodplain fish resources. The main problem in this area is water quality degradation that was caused by both, natural and anthropogenic substances. The aims of this study are to determine water quality status and pollution level of the waters, related to the water level fluctuation(flooding periods) and pollutants from oil palm plantations and crude palm oil industry. Water quality status is determined using two methods based on Indonesian goverment regulation, i.e. water pollution index(WPI) and STORET index. The results indicated that Lubuk Lampam floodplain rivers is lightlymoderately polluted based on WPI value, while based on STORET method, the status is moderately-highly polluted.
Lubuk Lampam is one of floodplain rivers area and part of this region had been determined as fisheries reserve. It is important to keep the sustainability of the ecosystem as floodplain fish resources. The main problem in this area is water quality degradation that was caused by both, natural and anthropogenic substances. The aims of this study are to determine water quality status and pollution level of the waters, related to the water level fluctuation(flooding periods) and pollutants from oil palm plantations and crude palm oil industry. Water quality status is determined using two methods based on Indonesian goverment regulation, i.e. water pollution index(WPI) and STORET index. The results indicated that Lubuk Lampam floodplain rivers is lightlymoderately polluted based on WPI value, while based on STORET method, the status is moderately-highly polluted.
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