Analysis of Economic Crisis Based on Double-layer Network of International Investment and Trade
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Countries in the world have formed a huge network by international investment and trade, where economic turmoil in some areas may lead to a worldwide financial crisis. In this paper, based on the international investment and trade data of155 countries from 2007 to 2010, a double-layer network is constructed to analyze the economic crisis' s influence that how countries' economic situation evolves over time and affects each other. First, an improved epidemic model is developed on the double-layer network, where each country possesses three candidate states including susceptible, contagious and influenced.Second, Debt Rank of each layer is calculated to quantify the propagation of financial distress and crisis, which shows that Debt Rank is basically consistent with the GDP of countries, and countries with small Debt Rank are more vulnerable in trade network, while countries with big Debt Rank are more vulnerable in investment network.
Countries in the world have formed a huge network by international investment and trade, where economic turmoil in some areas may lead to a worldwide financial crisis. In this paper, based on the international investment and trade data of155 countries from 2007 to 2010, a double-layer network is constructed to analyze the economic crisis' s influence that how countries' economic situation evolves over time and affects each other. First, an improved epidemic model is developed on the double-layer network, where each country possesses three candidate states including susceptible, contagious and influenced.Second, Debt Rank of each layer is calculated to quantify the propagation of financial distress and crisis, which shows that Debt Rank is basically consistent with the GDP of countries, and countries with small Debt Rank are more vulnerable in trade network, while countries with big Debt Rank are more vulnerable in investment network.
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    The data is available at the website of IMF,

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