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"自我面孔识别优势",是指相比他人面孔,人们对自我面孔的识别的速度更快,并且自我面孔在大脑中诱发的波幅更大。本研究采用事件相关电位考察平面旋转角度对"自我面孔识别优势"影响的时间进程。实验采用异同(same‐different judgment)面孔匹配范式,先呈现一张正立的自我或他人内特征面孔,然后再呈现一张旋转至某个角度(0°,90°,180°)的自我或他人面孔,要求被试判断先后出现的两张面孔是否属于同一个人,并记录其判断反应时和ERPs。实验发现,在N170(180‐240ms)成分上,旋转至90°、180°的面孔刺激比0°条件下的面孔刺激在枕颞叶诱发了更大的波幅;而在LPP(400‐500ms)成分上,当面孔旋转角度为0°时,LPP的平均波幅表现出显著的"自我面孔识别优势"(自我面孔所诱发的波幅显著大于他人面孔),当面孔旋转至90°时,"自我面孔优势"减弱,而当面孔旋转至180°时,该优势消失。研究结果表明,在早期阶段,人类大脑对面孔识别是自动化结构编码的过程,不涉及对面孔身份的精细加工;在晚期阶段,大脑才会对面孔的特异性信息进行精细加工,并且平面旋转角度会调节晚期对面孔的精细加工过程。这些研究结果也进一步支持Bruce‐Young面孔识别认知模型是继时性模型的假设。
The "self-face advantage", refers to individuals respond to self-face faster than other's face and self-face induce larger amplitudes than other's face.In the present study, we adapted the Event related potential technology to investigate the temporal processing of the influence of picture plane rotation angles on "self-face advantage". We used the same-different face-matching judgment task, participants were asked to judge whether or not two successive faces represented the same person: The first face was the participant's self-face or an acquaintance's face presented upright, and the second face was a self-face or an acquaintance's face which was rotated to a certain angle(0°,90°,180°), and the response times and the components of ERPs were recorded. The results of ERP showed that the target stimulus elicited larger N170(180-240ms)amplitudes under rotated to 90°,180° than rotated to 0°in occipito-temporal area.And forthe component of LPP(400-500ms),there was a significant interaction between Face type and Angles of rotation, furthermore, when faces rotated to 0°, the "self-face advantage effect" was significant(mean amplitudes induced by the self-face were significantly larger than other's face);when they rotated to 90°, the effect was impaired, however, when they rotated to 180°, this effect vanished totally. Our results indicate human brains decoded the facial configuralinformationautomatically in earlier stage, and is no related with the elaborately processing facial identify information. In the later stage, individual will process facial identify information elaborately. The self-face advantage can be regulated by the angles of rotation in the picture plane. In all,it supported that the two stages of Bruce-Young face recognition model were successive.

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