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同源词是指两个语言中在语义和语音或正字法存在重叠的词汇对,比如,flower(花)—flor,坦克—tank。几十年来,大量研究结果表明同源词相比较匹配的非同源词存在显著的加工优势,但也有研究表明同源词存在抑制效应。一个研究问题是跨书写系统的同源词优势效应及其成分。使用拼音表征汉字的语音保证了检验是否存在英汉同源词启动效应和同源词优势的书写系统同质性,并研究该效应是否受到英语熟练度的影响。采用掩蔽翻译启动效应范式和词汇判断任务,启动词为汉语拼音,呈现50毫秒,目标词为英语真假词,启动词可能为目标词的翻译对等词的拼音,或者是无关词的拼音。共有48个同源词、48个非同源词和96个英语假词(Balota et al.,2007),同源词和非同源词在词频、词长、笔画、拼音词长、熟悉度、邻近词数量上匹配(p>0.05),30个被试首先进行Lex Tale(Lemh?fer&Broersma,2012)测试,用Lextale成绩区分高熟练双语者10人,低熟练双语者10人。本实验为2(同源词性质:同源词,非同源词)×2(启动条件:相关启动,无关启动)×2(熟练度:高熟练度,低熟练度)混合实验设计,其中同源词和启动类型为被试内变量,熟练度为被试间变量。结果发现同源词抑制效应、语言熟悉度主效应显著、同源词与启动条件有交互作用,同源词正确率在相关启动条件下比无关启动更低,但非同源词正确率则在相关启动上更高。同源词与英语熟练度有交互作用。高熟练度双语者错误率更低、高熟练双语者在非同源词上比低熟练度双语者的正确率更高,但是在同源词上正确率则更低。出现语音抑制效应和语义启动效应,而这种效应在高熟练双语者表现更为明显。语音在日英同源词中产生易化效应(Nakayama et al.,2013,2014),本研究使用拼音作为启动词却发现语音抑制效应并抵消语义的启动效应,支持相同书写系统中(e.g,英语和荷兰语,汉语拼音和英语)发现的语音抑制效应,说明不同书写系统的语音存在不同存在的效应,在相同书写系统表现为抑制效应而在不同书写系统中则表现为启动效应。
Cognates are words pairs that overlap in terms of semantics and phonology/orthography., flower-flor, 坦克-tank. Over decades, large number of investigations indicate cognate facilitation effect compared with counterparts, whereas others show inhibition effect of cognates. One of current question is cognate facilitation or inhibition effect in writing systems and its components. Using Chinese Pinyin to represent phonology of Chinese ensures same writing system of cognate facilitation or inhibition effect and current thesis investigates this effect determinants of language proficiency. Adopting masked translation priming paradigm, participants were asked to perform lexicon decision task, pinyin serving as primes that display for 50 ms and English words or non-words as targets which included 48 cognates, 48 non-cognates and 96 non-words(Balota et al., 2007). Primes can be translation Pinyin or unrelated Pinyin of targets. Cognates and non-cognates were matched in terms of frequency, word length, familiarity, character strokes and neighborhood numbers(p>0.05). Before experiment, participants performed Lextale Task(Lemh?fer & Broersma, 2012) and their grades were characterized as English proficiency, according to which they were divided into high or low proficient bilingual groups, each consisting ten individuals. The research was submitted to a 2(cognate status: cognates, noncognates) × 2(priming type: related, nonrelated) × 2(proficiency: high, low) mixed experimental design and cognate status and priming type were within-subject factors and proficiency was between-subject factor. Results showed cognate inhibition effect, language proficiency effect, significiant interaction of cognate status and English proficiency which suggested high proficient bilinguals made overall less errors but more errors in cognates and less errors in non-cognates than low proficient bilinguals and interaction of priming type and cognate status, which indicated accuracy of cognate was higher in unrelated prime type but lower in related primes condition, whereas non-cognates were lower in unrelated priming condition and higher under related priming. The outcome suggested inhibition effect of phonology and facilitation effect of semantics and this effect was more distinct in high proficient bilinguals. Phonology showed facilitation effect in Japanese and English(Nakayama et al., 2013, 2014). Our research used Pinyin as primes and found inhibition effect and it counterbalanced facilitation effect of semantics, in favor of in same writing systems(e.g., English and Dutch, Pinyin and English), phonology has inhibition effect but in different writing systems(e.g., English and Japanese/Chinese), effect of phonology shows facilitation effect.

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