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Soul is understood by Calvin as "an immortal yet created essence" and the "nobler part" of man.This essay investigates questions based on Calvin's definition of soul,namely,the existence,immortality and faculties of soul.Firstly, "conscience" is "an undoubted sign" of the soul as an immortal being.Conscience is not only a moral response to God,but also the criterion based on which man's epistemological judgments are made.Secondly, "soul" as the created essence is shown in the image of God in which understanding or reason and will are included.Calvin follows the traditional way in understanding of creation as ex nihilo(out of nothing).Essence,according to Calvin,is the motion(fear) toward God.Finally,to the question whether the created thing is eternal,Calvin claims that only God is eternal,and eternity is endlessness,without beginning and ending.In a word,in the context of Calvin' s theology,the immortal soul refers to the created essence that is endowed with the grace of God.
[1]本文所引用的《要义》参考了如下版本:(1)[法]加尔文:《基督教要义》,钱曜诚等译,孙毅、游冠辉修订,北京:三联书店,2010年。(2)Jean Calvin,loarmis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis,ed.August Tholuck,2 vols.(Berolini:Apud G.Eichler,1834).(3)John Calvin,Calvin:Institutes of the Christian Religion,trans.Ford Lewis Battles,ed.John T.McNeill,2vols.(Philadelphia:Westminster Press,1960).附注:本文中《要义》的引文如无另外说明,均出自此汉译本。《要义》的引文,按照惯例以及为了检索之便,如无特别说明,均在正文中按照“卷·章·节·页码”(I.15.8.第172页)这样的方式标出。
    [2]Inst.I.15.2.Jean Calvin,loannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis,vol.1,p.126.
    [3]Jean Calvin,loannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis,p.126.
    [1]Charles Partee,"The Soul in Plato,Platonism,and Calvin,”Scottish Journal of Theology22.3(1969):p.278-295,291.
    [4]Battles的英译是:Surely the conscience,which,discerning between good and evil responds to God's judgment,is an undoubted sign of the immortal spirit.Inst.1.15.2.
    [2]Richard Prins,"The Image of God in Adam and the Restoration of Man in Jesus Christ:A Study in Calvin,"in An Elaboration of the Theology of Calvin(Articles on Calvin and Calvinism Vol.8),ed.Richard C.Gamble,New York:Routledge,1992,274-286,p.276.See also,Richard Prins,"The Image of God in Adam and the Restoration of Man in Jesus Christ;A Study in Calvin,"Scottish Journal of Theology 25,no.1(1972):pp.32-44.
    [1]I.15.3.第165页。John Calvin,Commentary on Genesis,vol I,trans.Rev.John King,2vols.Grand Rapids,MI;Christian Classics Ethereal library,p.51.
    [2]ST I.93.1.Thomas Aquinas,Summa Theologica.trans.Fathers of the English Dominican Province,5 vols.London:Bums Oates and Washboume,1920-1947.hereafter ST I.12.1.托马斯·阿奎那:《神学大全》(第1集,第6卷),段德智译,北京:商务印书馆,2013年,第361页。
    [3]Bernard of Clairvaux,The Treatise of St.Bernard,Abbot of Clairvaux,Concerning Grace and Free Will,trans.Watkin Wynn Williams,London:Society for Promoting Christian knowledge;New York:The Macmillan Company,1920,p.15,pp.46ff.
    [1]林鸿信先生认为T.F.Torrance和Mary Potter Engel从不同的面向来讨论加尔文的神的形象的问题。(参林鸿信:《加尔文神学》,第249页,第252-256页。)Torrance和Engel关于加尔文人论的著作,参阅T.F.Torrance,Calvin's Doctrine of Man,Grand Rapids:Eerdmans,1957.Mary Potter Engel,John Calvin's Perspectival Anthropology,Atlanta,Ga;Scholars Press,1988.
    [3]普兰丁格:《基督教信念的知识地位》,第322页。Alvin Plantinga,Warranted Christian Belief,New York;Oxford University Press,2000.
    [2]Battles的英译:the human soul consists of two faculties,understanding and will.Inst.I.15.7.
    [1]Paul Helm,John Calvin's Ideas,New York;Oxford University Press,2004,p.157.
    [2]Karl Barth,Church Dogmatics,trans,by G.T.Thomson and Harold Knight,Vol.I/2,Edinburgh;T.&T.Clark,1956,p.728.
    [3]Charles Partee,"The Soul in Plato,Platonism,and Calvin,"Scottish Journal of Theology22.3(1969):278-295,p.295.
    [1]转引自Charles Partee,"The Soul in Plato,Platonism,and Calvin,"p.292.
    [2]Immortality,then,for Calvin is not a natural characteristic as it is with Plato.If God withdraws His grace,then the soul becomes a passing breath just as the body is dust.(Charles Partee,"The Soul in Plato,Platonism,and Calvin,"p.292.)
    [1]英译参阅Plato,Plato in Twelve Volumes,Vol.9 trans.W.R.M.Lamb.Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press;London:William Heinemann Ltd.1925.关于这两节的翻译,还可参阅:Zlatko Plese,Poetics of the Gnostic Universe:Narrative and Cosmology in the Apocryphon of John,Leiden:Brill,2006,pp.44-5.
    [3]Richard R.Hopkins,How Greek Philosophy Corrupted the Christian Concept of God,Utah:Cedar Fort Cedar Fort,2009,43.Herbert Weir Smyth,"Greek Conceptions of Immortality from Homer to Plato",in Harvard Essays on Classical Subjects,Cambridge;Harvard University,1912.F.M.Cornford,Plato's Theory of Knowledge,London;Routledge and Kegan Paul,1935.
    [1]我们不对“肉体”(body)这个概念展开讨论。但加尔文认为,灵魂的不朽与肉体的复活密不可分。如Charles Partee所言:“与柏拉图不同,加尔文认为,离开肉体的复活是不能确切的理解灵魂的不朽的”。(Charles Partee,"The Soul in Plato,Platonism,and Calvin,"291.)
    [2]Charles Partee指出,加尔文在注释《马太福音》时,把信耶稣基督之人的灵与耶稣基督的灵捆绑在一起:“加尔文认为,当基督把他的灵交托给父时(太27:50),他已经包含了那些‘信他之人的灵'”。(Charles Partee,"The Soul in Plato,Platonism,and Calvin,"291.)
    [1]创造与永恒所具有的逻辑关系其实非常明了。奥古斯丁认为“形象”与“样式”是这样的逻辑关系(问题74)。参Saint Augustine,Eighty-three Different Questions(The Fathers of the Church,Volume 70):A New Translation,trans.David L.Mosher(Washington,D.C:Catholic Univereity of America Press,2010).柏拉图认为“敬”(reverence)与“畏”(fear)也是这样的逻辑关系(Euphr.12B-C)。

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