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在湿法磷酸生产中,伴随得到氟硅酸,以钠盐(Na Cl/Na2SO4)按一定质量比例混合搅拌反应得到氟硅酸钠产品,主要生产工艺路线有间歇法、连续法两种。针对连续法工艺路线,以硫酸钠为钠原料,分析氟硅酸、硫酸钠纯度及浓度,盐、酸质量配比,料浆晶体洗涤等对产品质量及消耗的影响,提出了提质降耗的技术方法。
As there is 2%-4% associat ted fluorine e lement in thh e rock phosp phate, whichh will com mbine with sil licon to formm silicon tetr rafluoride(SiiF_4). And fluu osilicic acidd can be madd e by adso orption of SiF_4 with waterr in the produ uction of wet--process phoss phoric acid. Then H_2SiF_6 will furth her react wi ith sodium s alt(NaCl/NNa_2SO_4) undd er a specifi c mass ratio o to get so dium fluor rosilicate pro oducts throughh 2 main prod duction procee sses, batch pp rocess and co ontinuous proo cess. For the continuo ous process roo ute, Na_2SO_4 was used aa s raw materii als in this aar rticle, and lo ts of fator rs which had d impact on t he products quality and consumptionn had been d discussed, likk e the purit ty and concen ntration of fl uorosilicic ac cid, sodium ss ulphate, the ratio of salt a and acid, wass hing of s lurry crystal, etc. Finallyy, some tech hnical methodd s that couldd improve qu uality and re duce cons sumption wer re put forwardd.

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