基于Web of Science的观赏芍药研究态势分析
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为整体把握国际上观赏芍药的研究现状和研究热点,给科研选题与热点跟踪提供指导,基于文献计量学分析方法,以Web of Science数据库为检索源,对1999年1月—2016年3月国外有关芍药作为观赏花卉的研究文献进行统计,主要包括文献的各年份数量分布情况、涉及研究领域、发文期刊、产出单位、核心作者群分布、高频被引文献分析等。共检索到文献数量78篇,分属于36位通讯作者;确定了6位核心作者、5种核心期刊和3个主要研究单位;得到被引频次10以上的文献13篇。综合以上指标,认为近年来中国已成为该研究领域的主要力量,但是美国无论在高质量论文发表数量还是高质量期刊的承办数量上均以绝对优势占据世界首位,充分显示了其学术研究的权威性。目前该学科的研究热点集中在细胞学、分子生物学和植物形态学领域,育种学方面鲜见报道。由荷兰主办的《Scientia Horticulturae》是本学科的高关注度期刊,且其他载文期刊大多数源于西方国家,以美国、英国和荷兰最为集中。
In order to reflect research status and highlights to direct the further research work on ornamental herbaceous peony in the future,we retrieved the SCI database from January of 1999 to March of 2016 based on bibliometric analysis method,including documents number,research field,main journals,research institutions,distribution of core author cluster,top cited frequency papers.The total number of documents was 78 of 36 corresponding authors and we identified 6 core authors,5 kinds of core journals,3 main research institutions and 13 papers with more than 10 cited frequency.In conclusion,it was apparent that China has been the main country on the subject in recent years,however,USA was the most authoritative one for possessing the largest number of high-quality articles and journals.Currently,research liolspots focused on cytology,molecular biology and plant morphology underestimating breeding.Most journals were founded by western countries mainly by USA,England and Netherlands of which Scientia Horticulturae was also the most concerned journals.
    11.Ji Lijing,Yu XiaoNan.2014.Development and application of 15 novel polymorphic microsatellite markers for sect.Paeonia(Paeonia L)[J].Biochemical Systematic and Ecology,(54):257-266.(in Chinese).
    12.Ge Jintao,Tao Jun.2014.Cloning and expression of floral organ development-related genes in herbaceous peony(Paeonia lactiflora Pall.)[J].Molecular Biology Reports,(54):257-266.
    13.Liang Wen-Juan,Chen J J.2014.(+/-)-Paeoveitol,a pair of new norditerpene enantiomers from Paeonia veitchii[J].Organic Letters,16(2):424-427.
    14.张娟,王宁,张以民,等.2014.基于Web of Science的国际柑橘黄龙病文献计量分析[J].果树学报,31(6):1139-1146.
    15.杨长平,吴登俊.2009.基于Web of Science的生物信息学文献分析[J].生物信息,7(1):18-20,24.
    16.孙秀焕,路文如.2012.基于Web of Science的水稻研究态势分析[J].中国水稻科学,26(5):607-614.
    17.王彦,田长彦.2010.基于Web of Science的盐生植物研究文献计量评价[J].干旱区地理,36(3):562-570.
    26.崔金波,蒋晓莲.201 1.国内跨文化护理研究文献计量学分析[J].护理研究,25(2):366-368.
    36.Li Lin,Zhang,Qi-xiang.2011.Microsatellite markers for the chinese herbaceous Paeonia lactiflora[J].American Journal of Botany,98(2):E16-E18.
    37.Sun Jing,ZhangDaming.2011.Development and characterization of 10 microsatellite of 10 microsatellite loci in Paeonia lactiflora[J].American Journal of Botany,98(9):E242-E243.
    38.Ge Jintao,Tao Jun.2014.Cloning and expression of floral organ development-related genes in herbaceous peony(Paeonia lactiflora Pall.)[J].Molecular Biology Reports,41(10):6493-6503.
    39.Shen Miaomiao,Yu XiaoNan.2015.Induction and proliferation of axillary shoots from in vitro culture of Paeonia lactiflora Pall,mature zygotic embryos[J].New Zealand Journal Of Crop and Horyicultural Science,43(1):42-52.
    40.LimMi Young,Jeong ByoungRyong.2013.Analysis of genetic variability using RAPD markers in Paeonia spp.grown in Korean[J].Journal of Horticultural Science&Technology,31(3):322-327.
    41.Barga Sarah C,Vander Wall Stephen B.2013.Dispersal of an herbaceous perennial,Paeonia brownii,by scatter-hoarding rodents[J].Ecoscience,20(2):172-181.
    42.DaneFeruzan,Ekici Nuran.2011.Pollen tube growth of Paeonia Tenuifolia L(Paeoniaceae)in vitro and in vivo[J].Bangladesh Journal of Botany,40(1):93-95.
    43.Xu Jin,Liu Yan.2014.Wide-scale pollen banking of ornamental plants throught cryopreservation[J].Cryoletters,35(4):312-319.
    44.Ferguson D,Sang T.2001.Speciation through homoploid hybridization between allotetraploids in peonies(Paeonia)[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,98(7):3915-3919.
    49.Pan Jin,Zhang Darning.2007.Molecular phylogenetic evidence for the origin of a diploid hybrid of Paeonia(Paeoniaceae)[J].American Journal of Botany,94(3):400-408.
    50.Hao Qing,Shu Qing-Yan.2008.Studies on Paeonia cultivars and hybrids identification based on SRAP analysis[J].Hereditas,145(1):38-47.

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