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以3种海岛植被修复典型植物木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia)、夹竹桃(Nerium indicum)和台湾相思(Acacia confusa)为实验材料,通过对培养基质及植株叶片施加不同浓度的盐溶液,研究不同植物的耐盐能力,筛选耐盐树种。主要结论如下:(1)根据植株生长状况,木麻黄植株的根、叶均可耐受浓度3%的盐胁迫;夹竹桃植株可耐浓度1%以下的根盐胁迫和浓度3%以下的叶盐胁迫;台湾相思植株可耐浓度2%以下的根盐胁迫和浓度0.6%以下的叶盐胁迫;(2)综合研究结果显示,3种植株耐盐能力为木麻黄>夹竹桃>台湾相思;(3)植物的生长状态、成活率和株高增长率指标可以很好的表示植株受盐害程度及能力,可结合赋值法对区域植被耐盐能力进行简单快速的调查;(4)在土壤盐度较重和受海洋飞沫影响较大的滨海地带开展植被修复时,推荐木麻黄为优先树种;但在土壤盐碱较轻的地带,建议推广夹竹桃作为先锋物种。
Casuarina equisetifolia,Nerium indicum and Acacia confuse were treated by NaCl in greenhouse through leaf surface spray and root system absorption,after which the plant status and growth rate were observed and measured.The results showed that:(1) according to the plant status,C.equisetifolia can hold a concentration of 3%root-salt and leaf-salt,N.indicum can survive at 1%concentration root-salt and 3%concentration of leaf-salt,A.confusa 惨 sustain at high to concentration of 2%root-salt and a concentration of 0.6%leaf-salt.(2) The salt-resistant ability turns out to be from strong to weak are C.equisetifolia,N.indicum and A.confuse.(3) The indexes of plant status,survival rate and growth rate of plant height can well indicate the effect of plant on salt stress,the assignment method can be used for a quick survey of vegetation salt-resistant ability;(4) C.equisetifolia is recommended as a priority species when vegetation restoration was carried out under salinity soil and sea spray.

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