Power Control in Multiple Coexisting Wireless Networks:L_1 and L_∞ Gain based Stability Analysis
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This paper presents the extensions of the bounded-input bounded-output(BIBO) stability analysis of the power control in multiple coexisting wireless networks from L_2 gain to both L_1 and L_∞ gains. By making use of the linear positive system theory, this study derives the sufficient conditions of BIBO stability for the considered power control, which can examine by nature whether the power control of interest is BIBO stable in the sense of the L_1 and L_∞ gains, and have the closed-form and explicit expressions such that they can be conveniently used in practice. Besides, this paper provides a numerical example to illustrate the theoretical results.
This paper presents the extensions of the bounded-input bounded-output(BIBO) stability analysis of the power control in multiple coexisting wireless networks from L_2 gain to both L_1 and L_∞ gains. By making use of the linear positive system theory, this study derives the sufficient conditions of BIBO stability for the considered power control, which can examine by nature whether the power control of interest is BIBO stable in the sense of the L_1 and L_∞ gains, and have the closed-form and explicit expressions such that they can be conveniently used in practice. Besides, this paper provides a numerical example to illustrate the theoretical results.
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