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川藏铁路然乌—通麦段经过帕隆藏布流域巨型冰水泥石流非常发育。古乡沟是此段典型的巨型冰水泥石流沟,规模和危害巨大,成为该段铁路选线的关键节点。本文以古乡沟为研究重点,分析了古乡沟泥石流形成的环境背景条件,计算了清水洪峰流量、泥石流峰值流量、流速、一次泥石流冲出量等关键运动特征参数。在此基础上,对两百年一遇、百年一遇泥石流在流域中下游的运动堆积情况及其危害性进行了数值模拟,结果显示,在P=0.5%和P=1%情况下,泥石流分别在沟口形成长约1.91 km、宽约4.71 km和长约1.75 km、宽约3.68 km的巨型堆积扇,沿主流路方向堆积厚度分别为40~60 m和25~35 m。最后,结合铁路走线空间位置与泥石流危害范围的关系,提出了流域下游全隧道通过、隧洞+沟口桥梁通过、堆积扇中下部明线+桥梁通过和堆积扇中下部隧洞通过的4种线路,分别对各方案进行了比较,提出了相应的防治对策。
The section of Ranwu-Tongmai of Sichuan-Tibet Railway passes through the Palongzangbu River basin.The huge glacier debris flows in this area are very developed.The Guxiang Gully is the typical huge glacier debris flow in this area.Due to its huge scale and damage,it becomes one of the key points for the railway alignment.By taking the Guxiang Gully as studying object,the formation environment conditions were analyzed firstly.Then,some dynamic parameters including the flood peak discharge,debris flow peak discharge,velocity,total volume of a single debris flow event were calculated.Based on these results,a numerical simulation of accumulation ranges under the condition of two hundred and one hundred debris flow return periods was carried out.The simulation results show that the accumulation length is 1.91 km and 1.75 km,and the accumulation width is 4.71 km and 3.68 km for the case of P=0.5%and P=1%respectively.The accumulation depth along the main flow direction is 40~60m and 25~35m.Finally,four plans of railway alignment including passing through the down-stream by tunnel,passing through the gully outlet by tunnel and bridge,passing through the middle-lower part of the accumulation fan by railway bed and bridge,passing through the middle-lower part of the accumulation fan by tunnel were presented.The four plans were compared and related debris flow mitigation measures were provided.
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