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The Brahmaputra is our country southwest important resources of the river,the railway line from Lhasa to Nyingchi along middle reaches of the Brahmaputra.There are 31 bridges cross or by the River,including 16 times across the Brahmaputra.This text will summarize effects between the railway bridge construction and the Brahmaputra,and put forward several points for attention and suggestions.
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    [5]李志威,王兆印,余国安,等.雅鲁藏布大峡谷水电开发对边坡稳定性的影响[J].山地学报,2015(03).Li zhiwei,Wang Zhaoyin,Yu Guo'an.Influence on slope stability of the Brahmaputra Grand Canyon hydropower development[J].Journal of Mountain Science,2015(03).

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