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     本文在广泛查阅了国内外门式刚架资料的基础上建立门式刚架结构的力学计算模型,在建模和分析时主要从门式刚架结构体系的优化、节点半刚性以及加工安装引起的初始应力三个方面对门式刚架结构的耗钢量和力学性能进行研究。利用ANSYS APDL语言编程对大量模型进行建模计算。得出各种情况下结构的单位耗钢量、节点半刚性对结构力学性能的影响以及安装误差引起的初始内力对结构内力的影响。
The issuance of the "Tenth-Five-Year Program" of the Steel Structure Industry of China and the Compendium of the Developing Layout before 2015(draft) supplies a great of opportunities for developing light steel structure in China . Nevertheless, nowadays the development of steel structure is still in elementary stage in China , and the present research in this field is not enough Thereby ,it is important as well as meaningful to make some deep researches for system and capability of the light steel structure.In this paper ,the mechanical calculating model for portal steel structure has been founded after referring volumes information about portal steel structure from domestic and abroad ,and the main attentions are focused on structural optimization, semi-rigid connection, and secondary stress. The modeling and analysis have been carried out in ANSYS APDL and the impact of steel dosage and semi-rigid connection on structure mechanical capability and the secondary stress on internal stress.At present ,the research about how to economize steel dosage is focused on using various sections in the same beam or column, and the semi-rigid theory has been adopted to economizing the amount of steel in this paper.In this paper , through a great deal of calculating .analysis, and regressing ,we can get a more practical and meaningful guidance for the practical project.
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