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After1974, the "third wave" of democratization which western scholars calledbegan to sweep the world. One of its manifestations is that many dominant parties lostpower, and huge political changes of one state or region followed. At the same time,however, some dominant parties keep the power. So the one-party dominant systemappeared obvious differentiation. All this shows that political parties play animportant role in the research of democratization, and they are the independent agentsof institutional change. The adaptability of one-party dominant system relies on thedominant party adaptability. From the view of political parties, the paper argues thatany rational political parties have “bounded rationality”. If party autonomy andinstitutionalization gradually weaken, party adaptability weaken subsequently, whichwill lead to parties losing power, and political change. Political parties need to haveautonomy to successfully adapt to changes in the environment, and carry out dynamicinstitutionalization to embrace environmental challenges. The deep-seated power ofparty autonomy and institutionalization comes from the representative democracy. Allexplain why democratic transformation of countries (regions) is different.
     This paper is divided into six chapters, the first three chapters is theoretical, themiddle two chapters is the cases, the final chapter is a theoretical summary.
     The first chapter discusses the concept of one-party dominant system, itsadvantages and contradictions. One-party dominant system is a multi-party system inwhich one party keep in power continuously for a long term. One-party dominanceMainly reflects in the power threshold and time threshold. One-party dominant systemwould contribute to political stability, nation-building, policy-coherent, attracting eliteand ideological integration. But there are also inherent contradictions: the people'ssovereignty and the lack of signal, oligarch and populist, the development of politicalparties and the "iron law of oligarchy", the quantity and quality in elite absorption,intergenerational replacement and maintaining political party unity, loyalty or abilityin choosing elite, rationalization and the complexity of human nature, spread ofeducation and a limited space to absorb, absorbing emerging class and maintainingcohesion, inert instinct and the need to maintain the sense of crisis, the party andgovernment. In the one-party dominant system, the difference in autonomy andinstitutionalization which the dominant party resolve the contradictions leads to itsdifferent length of life and the key of both its success or failure and the one-party dominant system' differentiation.
     The second chapter elaborates the first aspect of one-party dominant systemadaptability: party autonomy. This includes the background of its emergence, itscomposition and foundation, as well as challenges to the autonomy from crises andconflicts. Party autonomy include two aspects. The first aspect is the degree ofautonomy under foreign pressure, the second is the degree of autonomy underdomestic political forces. The key to achieve the two points lies in parties' ability incontrolling public resources, the design of the electoral system and form ofgovernment, as well as an independent ideology. The conflict divides into realisticconflict and non-realistic conflict. Public confidence and government supplies arecritical in crisis response. Settlement of crises and conflicts requires political skills ofthe party elite.
     The third chapter states the second aspect of one-party dominant systemadaptability: party institutionalization. My paper defines party institutionalization as aprocess which the parties have routine institutional innovation and organizationalinternalization so as to respond to the changing external environment. Two differentstructures have different effects to party institutionalization. The patron-clientstructure produces clientelism which core is the parties. Career-bureaucrat structureproduces professional election parties. Party institutionalization can be divided intothe elite institutionalization and mass political participation-responseinstitutionalization. The difficulties of party institutionalization are decided by theinherent characteristics of crisis. If dominant party have an effective response and anstrong institutionalized ability, it will be able to keep the power. However, in mostcases, because the dominant party responds too late, or fail to compromise, or have anunsuccessful organizational internalization or an ineffective implementation of thenew system, mass political participation explosion is likely to lead to social unrest, orthe splintering of parties as a result of different political opinions and struggle forpower.
     The forth chapter analyzes the cases of Singapore and Botswana. Both countriesexperienced the "third wave" but still remain in power, the one-party dominant systemmaintains the strong adaptability. The reasons are that the dominant party of twocountries maintains a high degree of autonomy and institutionalization. These reasonsinclude: the party can keep control of public resources, the design of an appropriate electoral system, no public funding of parties, independent with respect tointernational and domestic pressure, the institutionalization of elite and popularpolitical participation-response to effectively deal with the crises.
     The fifth chapter analyzes the cases of Taiwan and Mexico. Both one-partydominant systems have had ever a strong adaptability, but since the seventies andeighties of the20th century, due to the series of uncertainty and crises, the dominantparty adaptability of Taiwan and Mexico weakened."Critical nodes" of Taiwan was adiplomatic crisis, and Mexico was the oil crisis. In the face of a crisis, the InstitutionalRevolutionary Party and Kuomintang as the clientelist party can not handle theemerging issues and challenges, their adaptability appears a weakening trend, whichmakes them lose power in the "third wave" wave, and leads to democratic transition.
     The sixth chapter further elaborate the deep driving force of one-party dominantsystem adaptability. The ultimate driving force of this process is representativedemocracy. This part has a further reflection to the four cases. The reason whySingapore's People's Action Party and the Botswana Democratic Party can standrock-firm in the "third wave" is closely related to the intense electoral pressure. Onthe contrary, Institutional Revolutionary Party and the Kuomintang lack the electoralpressure, so they were finally unable to adapt to environmental challenges and lostpower. Representative democracy play an important role in the party adaptability.Only under the electoral competitive pressures, party government has to respond tothe people's needs in time and dominant party is possible to maintain the autonomyand institutionalization. So representative democracy is the most fundamental drivingforce why the parties maintain autonomy and institutionalization.
     In the past, theoretical study of parties mainly focuses on the study of the partysystem of developed countries, and less focus on the developing countries. One-partydominant system is the most common phenomenon in the political development modeof the developing countries. But the research cannot keeps up with the pace ofpractice. The study of the paper has an the theoretical value and practical significanceon breaking through the lack of explanatory power in the study of the democratizationand parties, and on summarizing the the law of foreign dominant party's success orfailure, and on exploring the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
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    ⑧Gary W. Cox, Making Votes Count: Strategic Coordination in the World's Electoral Systems, CambridgeUniversity Press,1997, p.238.
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    ②党内分裂皆是围绕着提名问题产生的。如艾尔玛善(Juan Andreu Almazán)1940年的分裂,帕迪拉(EzequielPadilla)1946年的分裂,古兹曼(Miguel Henríquez Guzmán)1952年的分裂,卡德纳斯(Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas)1988年的分裂。这些分裂是因为他们反对总统的提名。不过,1988年之前的这些分裂影响很小。参见:Beatriz Magaloni, Voting for Autocracy: Hegemonic Party Survival and its Demise in Mexico, CambridgeUniversity Press,2006.
    ①Michael Coppedge, Parties and Society in Mexico and Venezuela: Why Competition Matter, ComparativePolitics, Vol.25, No.3(Apr.,1993), p.263.
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    ①Steven Levitsky and Lucan A. Way,Elections Without Democracy: The Rise of Competitive Authoritarianism,Journal of Democracy, Volume13, Number2April2002, p.59
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