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In western democratic countries State Funding for Political Parties means financial resources allocated by the state according to a procedure laid out in the law to political parties with the aim of supporting their essential democratic activities.As a kind of institution State Funding for Political Parties was introduced after the World WarⅡ,and had been adopted in nearly all western democratic countries.But until now it has not come to dominate academic and political debates in the field of Chinese relative researching.So the author introduces how it comes into being and how it develops in the first and second chapter.But the very emphases of this paper is answering these questions:what is the intention of the State while providing financial resources for Political Parties? What is the objective and posture of the Political Parties when facing state subvention and how these chang? When managing to achieve their goals did State and Political Parties get their outcome? and,why?
     Public financing in United States provided for not only the president election with the General election grants but also for the presidential primaries of each of the candidates of the Democratic and the Republican with the Primary matching payments and Party convention grants.In Britain,for a long time indirect subsidies was afforded to the party campaign on the way of giving free using of facility and free media time.As in Germany abundant direct as well as indirect subvention was given to the party and the pary fundations,such as tax deduction and free media time. Substantive grants is also allocated to support the political activities of the Japanese party,furthermore,it is expected to make for better transition of the party system.All of these four countries show the researcher different frame,and also,the proportions between the financial grants and party funds in these four countries are so different that can make it valuable for us to study carefully.
     In this comparative survey of United States,Britain,Germany and Japan which are uniquely suited to this research,I argued that the State expect to see two kind of aim,one is the concrete aim and the other is the aim in principle by allocating cash grants.But both effect of these aims are limited because of the utilization of the State Funding by Political Parties.When facing with the Parties' instrumental utilization of this institution,the State cannot respond to it effectively because of either the blurred image of its position or the immanent tension among the democratic value which the state held on to.
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