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Since the first stock exchange established at Amsterdam of Netherlands, in 1611, the securities exchanging in western countries has been continuing for more than 400 years. The appearance of stock market, however, like an opened Pandora's box, brings us not only the treasures but disasters.
    Insider trading, or marketing securities with, the information that hasn't been proclaimed to the public, usually rigging the trading prices of securities, can date back to the origin of the securities exchange. The struggle between insider trading and anti-insider trading will never cease, as is known that the phenomenon of insider trading can't be eliminated as long as the securities exchange is still in existence
    The legislation against insider trading, which primarily appeared in US in 1930s, is thought to be the most effective tool, and the campaign of making such laws has started all over the world.
    In our country, the securities exchange, appeared in the middle of 1980s, improved in early 1990s, has a short term history but glorious achievement, and various kinds of legal violations showed up in such an undeveloped market. The improvement of such a market refers to a legal system suited, to which a series of theories must support.
    Fortunately, in the process of the securities exchange, we attach much importance to the legislation against insider trading, although such legislation lags greatly behind the steps of the securities exchange.
    This essay, with the title of Insider Trading and Its Legal Restraint, composed of four parts, seven chapters and an Introduction, tends to make an exploration of this topic.
    Part one is constituted of chapter one and two, discussing the reality of insider trading. Chapter one introduces the definition and meanings of insider trading, the economical and systematic sources causing its emergence, as well as the nature when it is in social evaluation system. Chapter two makes an analysis of the elements composed of
    insider trading, describing its three components: inside information, inside personnel and exchange of inside information.
    Part two deals with the basic theories about legal restraint on insider trading, constituted of chapter three and four. Chapter three introduces some disputes about insider trading in economics, criticizing some unreasonable ideas existing in economic analysis, showing that insider trading brings more harm than benefit to the society. Chapter four makes a profound analysis about the fairness and effectiveness of the legislation against insider trading, pointing out that insider trading violates the fair trade principle of law, and the operation of laws against insider trading is by no means inefficient.
    Part three focuses on the legal restraint about insider trading, which is composed of chapter five and six. Chapter five tends to conclude the achievements and defects through the introduction of the history, the current status and the development of legislation abroad against insider trading. Chapter six, on the other hand, presents the condition of insider trading at home as well as the legislation against it, making a detailed analysis of the legislative defects in our country.
    Part four is a summarization of the content above, including five pieces of conclusions and four pieces of suggestions. The conclusions are the following: the theories concerning inside information; the concept of legality embodied in legal restraint on insider trading; the concept of systematization embodied in legal restraint on insider trading; the concept of efficiency supervising the emergence of insider trading, and the concept of punishment when executing insider trading. Four pieces of legislative suggestions against insider trading are: reconstituting a logic system of basic legal terms; perfecting the prevention system against insider trading; enacting strict liability when performing insider trading; and establishing legal relief system to protect the individual victims.
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    3. Julie L. Williams: Another Unspecial Study: The SEC's Market 2000 Report and Competitive Developments in the United States Capital Markets, the Business Lawer, Vol. 50, February 1995.
    4. By the Subcommittee on Annual Review: Annual Review of Federal Securities Regulation, the Business Lawer, Vol. 50, February 1995.
    5. By the Subcommittee on Annual Review: Annual Review of Federal Securities Regulation, the Business Lawer, Vol. 51, February 1996.
    6. Lewis D. Lowenfels and Alan R. Bromberg: A New Standard for Aiders and Abettors Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, the Business Lawyer, Vol. 52, November 1996 pp1-12.
    7. By the Subcommittee on Annual Review: Annual Review of Federal Securities Regulation, the Business Lawyer, Vol.52, February 1997 pp759-798.
    8. By John C. Jr. : Brave New World?: The Impact(s) of the Internet in the prohibition on Insider Trading, the Business Lawyer, Vol.52, August 1997.
    9. Mary E. Cornaby: Blue Sky in Deep Cyberspace: New Internet Research for State Securities Law Practice, he Business Lawyer, Vol.52, November 1996 pp379-390.
    10. Lori Richards and John Walsh: Compliance Inspections and Examinations by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Business Lawyer, Vol.52, November 1996 pp119-158.
    11. P. L. R. Mitchell: Director's Duties and Insider Dealing, London, Butterworths, 1982.
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    13. Dean Furbush and Jeffrey W. Smith: Estimating the Number of Damaged Shares in Securities Fraud Litigation: An Introduction to Stock Trading Models, the Business Lawer, Vol.49 February 1994.
    14. Jonathan C, Dickey and Marcia K. Mayer: Effect on 10b-5 Damages of the 1995 Private Securities Litigation Reform Act: A Forward-Looking Assessment, the Business Lawyer, Vol.51, August 1996 pp1203-1220.
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    21. By Robert F. Quaintance, Jr. : How to Stop Arguing About 10b-5 Opinions in Exempt Offerings, the Business Lawyer, Vol.51, May 1996.
    22. Kenneth R. Cone and James E. Laurence: How accurate are Estimates of Aggregate Damages in Securities Fraud Case? the Business Lawyer, Vol.49, February 1994.
    23. D. Langevort, Insider Trading Handbook (Callaghan, 1988)
    24. Gil Brazier: Insider Dealing: Law and Regulation, Cavendish publishing Limited, The Glass House 1996.
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    27. Wlliam K. S. Wang and Marc I. Steinberg: Insider Trading, Reviewed By Frank C.Razzana, from the Business Lawyer, p1431 August 1997.
    28. By Alan Horwich: Possession Verses Use : Is there a Causation Element
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    29. Jesse M. Fried : Insider Signaling and Insider Trading with Repurchase Tender offers Volume 67 Spring 2000 Number 2.
    30. Keith Wotherspoon: Insider Dealing-The New Law: Part V of Criminal Justice Act 1993, the Modern Law Revew, Vol.57 May 1994.
    31. By William K. S. Wang and Marc I. Steinberg Reviewed By Frank C. Razzano: Insider Trading, the Business Lawer, Vol.52, August 1997.
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    36. H. Nejat Seyhun: Investment Intelligence From Insider Trading, The MIT Press,Cambridge, Massachusetts,London, England, 1998.
    37. Subcommittee on Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation of the Committee on Federal Regulation of Securities: International Employee Stock Plan and the Federal Securities Laws, the Business Lawyer, Vol.49, February 1994. pp797-888.
    38. Norwood P.Beveridge: Is Mens Rea Required for a Criminal Violation of the Federal SecuritiesLaws? the Business Lawyer, Vol.52, November 1996. pp35-64.
    39. Dr. K. R. Chandratre Law Relating to Insider Trading, Bharat Law House,
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    42. John White: Regulation of Securities and Futures dealing, LONDON SWEET AND MAXWELL, 1992.
    43. Stuart Sinai : Rumors, Possession V. Use, Fiduciary Duty and Other Current Insider Trading Considerations , the Business Lawyer, February 2000.
    44. By the State Regulation of Securities Committee: Review of Developments in State Securities Regulation, the Business Lawer, Vol. 51, February 1994.
    45. Peter V. Pantaleo (Report), etc. : Rethinking the Rule of Recourse in the Sale of Financial Assets, the Business Lawyer, Vol. 52, November 1996 pp159-198.
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    54. Robert B. Thompson: "Simplicity and Certainty" in the Measure of Recovery Under Rule 10b-5, the Business Lawyer, Vol.51, August 1996 pp1117-1202.
    55. Gareth T.Evans and Daniel S. Floyd: Secondary Liability Under Rule 10b-5: Still Alive and Well After Central Bank? the Business Lawyer, Vol. 52, November 1996 pp13-34.
    56. William Barker: SEC Registration of Public Offerings Under the Securities Act of 1933, the Business Lawyer, Vol. 52, November 1996. pp65-118.
    57. Alexander C. Gavis: The Offering and Distribution of Securities in Cyberspace: A Review of Regulatory and Industry Initiatives, he Business Lawyer, Vol.52, November 1996. pp317-378.
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    61. Edwin A. Buck: The S/B Stock Market Ratio, New York Institute of Finance 1988.
    62. Mark L. Mitchell and Jeffry M. Netter: The Role of Financial Economics in Securities Fraud Cases: Applications at the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Business Lawyer, Vol.49, February 1994.
    63. Richard M. Phillips and Gilbert C. Miller: The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Rebalancing Litigation Risks and Rewards For Class Action Plaintiffs, Defendants and Attorneys, the Business Lawyer, Vol.5, August 1996. pp1009-1070
    64. Donald C. Langevoort: The Reform of Joint and Several Liability Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Proportionate Liability, Contribution Rights and Settlement Effects, the Business Lawyer, Vol.51, August 1996. pp1157-1176.
    65. Jeffry L. Davis, William C. Dale and James A. Overdahl: Using Finance Theory to Measure Damages in Cases Involving Fraudulent Trade Allocation Schemes, the Business Lawyer, Vol.49, February 1994. pp591-616.
    66. Understanding and Avoiding Corporate and Executive Criminal Liability, the Business Lawyer, Vol.49, February 1994. pp617-668
    67. Mark Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Spring 1998 v88 n3 p1049-1086 The misappropriation theory: a valid application of section 10(B) to protect property rights in information. (Securities Exchange Act)(Supreme Court Review) (Case Note) Keith Adam Simon.
    68. Mark William and Mary Law Review, March 1998 v39 n4 p1289-1353 From horse trading to insider trading: the historical antecendents of the insider trading debate. Paula J. Dalley.
    69. Mark Business Lawyer, August 1997 v52 n4 p1431-1439 Insider Trading, (book reviews) Frank C. Razzano.
    70. Mark American Criminal Law Review, Wntr 1997 34 n2 p983-1034 Securities fraud. (Twelfth Survey of White Collar Crime) Jennifer D. Antolini; Angela Dinger; Avery Kotler; Lester Myers; Valerie Simons; Jordan Young.
    71. Mark Yale Law Journal, Jan 1997 106 n4 p1325-1330 Insider trading and the dual role of information. Jonathan E. A. ten Oever.
    72. Mark William and Mary Law Review, May 1999 v40 i5 p1853 SEC Rule 14e-3 in the wake of United States v. O'Hagan: proper prophylactic scope and the future of warehousing. Jeff Lobb.
    73. Mark Business Lawyer, August 1996 51 n4 p1221-1239 Common sense, flexibility and enforcement of the federal securities laws. William R. McLucas; Mark B. Lewis; Alma M. Angotti.
    74. Mark Business Lawyer, August 1994 49 n4 p1793-1821 The appeal of Rind: limitations of actions in Securities and Exchange Commission civil enforcement actions. Christopher R. Dollase.
    75. Mark Michigan Law Review, June 1994 92 n7 p2088-2203 Insider trading deterrence versus managerial incentives: a unified theory of section 16(b). (section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) Merritt B. Fox.
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    Significant 1993 case law developments, (securities law)
    77. Mark American Business Law Journal, Feb 1993 30 n4 p709-723 Parity-of-information rule: a response to Professor Martin. (Susan Lorde Martin, American Business Law Journal, vol. 29, p. 691, 1992) Janell M. Kurtz; Bradley J. Sleeper.
    78. Mark American Business Law Journal, Feb 1993 30 n4 p725-744 SEC rule 14e-3 is valid: a rebuttal, (response to Janell M. Kurtz and Bradley J. Sleeper, this issue, p. 709) Susan Lorde Martin.
    79. Mark Business Lawyer, Feb 1993 48 n2 p747-760 Chinese walls for crcditors' committees. Robert C. Pozen; Judy K. Mencher.
    80. Mark Business Lawyer, Nov 1992 48 n1 p79-106 Settlement of ins ider trading cases with the SEC. William R. McLucas; John H. Walsh; Lisa L. Fountain.
    81. Mark Business Lawyer, Nov 1992 v48 n1 p107-139 SEC distribution plans in insider trading cases. Rory C. Flynn.
    82. Mark American Business Law Journal, Wntr 1992 29 n4 p665-689 Insider trading and Rule 14e-3 after Chestman. Susan Lorde Martin.
    83. Mark American Business Law Journal, Wntr 1992 29 n4 p691-730 Fraud liability for outsider trading: SEC Rule 14e-3 in limbo. Janell M. Kurtz; Bradley J. Sleeper.
    84. Mark Law and Policy in International Business, Wntr 1992 23 n1 p167-197 The next step in insider trading regulation: international cooperative efforts in the global securities market. Charles Vaughn Baltic Ⅲ.
    85. Mark The Tax Adviser, Nov 1991 22 n11 p719(3)
    Impact of SEC insider trading rules on executive compensation arrangements. Nick Bubnovich; Michael S. Kesner.
    86. Mark Journal of Accountancy, August 1991 172 n2 p107(1) New SEC rules speed exercise of insiders' stock options. Richard M. Cummins; Janet Fuersich.

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