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Trust is an essential challenge for leaders in the 21st century. It is the most direct, most economical and most effective way for leaders to improve the effectiveness of organizations. Building employee-supervisor upward tust will help the formation of a harmonious relationship between employee and supervisor,improve staff's willingness to obey supervior's decision-making and rules and regulations, enhance loyalty,result in spontaneous social behavior, and improve job performance; help enterprises to reduce uncertainty,lower transaction costs, enhance the internal resources to more rational use ,improve organizational effectiveness, implement the sound and fast scientific development.Therefore,the research on employee-supervisor upward trust problem is very necessary. Unfortunately, the current research on emplyoyee-supervisor trust in theoretical circles have not been given due attention. There are the following questions: lacking segmentation research and integrated studies, lacking research on the context of Chinese culture and empirical study.
     Therefore, based on the theoretical and practical considerations,the dissertation concerns the intra-enterprise employee-supervisor issue in China,expands tightly around the three core issues: the composing dimensions, influncing factors, mechanism of the employee-supervisor upward trust. In summary,the purpose of this study was that the answer to "what","why" and "how to" issues on the employee-supervisor upward trust.
     The dissertation includes seven chapters:
     Chapter one puts forward research problems of the dissertation, their goals and significances, research methods, major content and its innovation points.
     Chapter two summarizes the relevant theory. The dissertation reviewes studies of trust issues of sociology, economics, management science perspective, the local contexts and superior-subordinate in organization, and find the necessary theoretical support by combing the results of previous studies.
     Chapter three analyzes the problem of composing dimensions. First, the dissertation reviews research dimension of trust, and constitutes a division to the the dimension of employee-supervisor upward trust ,then discusses of the cognitive trust of employee-supervisor and emotional trust of employee-supervisor and makes the corresponding assumptions..
     Chapter four analyzes the influencing factors of employee-supervisor upward trust. According to literature review and interview study, the dissertation analyzes the supervisor factors, employee factors, organizational environmental factors which may have an impact on employee-supervisor upward trust from the trustor, the trustee and the environment and makes the corresponding assumptions.
     Chapter five analyzes the mechanism of employee-supervisor upward trust. It studies the direct impact of employee-supervisor cognitive trust and emotional trust on supervisor commitment, job satisfaction,turnover intention,organizational citizenship behavior and job performance as well as the indirect effects through supervisor commitment, and makes the corresponding assumptions.
     Chapter six is empirical study, aimed at testing the hypotheses proposed in chapter three, chapter four, and chapter five. After the introduction of study design and methodology note, the dissertation uses the 389 valid samples of data to process and analyze, uses SEM to verify the assumptions in influencing factors and mechanism of the employee-supervisor upward trust.
     Chapter seven summarizes the research of the dissertation,puts forward inspiration and countemeasures, and points out prospects and possibilities for follow-up researches.
     In research methods, the dissertation combines qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis. Besides systematically combing the literature review and theoretical analysis on the three core issues, the dissertation also uses a large-scale sample statistics to deal with empirical research in order to study reasonable and practical results.
     By the empirical testing in samples form banking industry, the main conclusions are as follows:Firstly, the employee-supervisor upward trust has cognitive dimension and affective dimension. Secondly, employee-supervisor upward trust is influenced by the three aspects from the supervisor, employee, organizational environment. Supervisor factors include: morality, capacity, motivation, behavior; Employee factors include: the intention of trust and personal relations; Organizational environment factors include: the norms and information communication. Thirdly, employee -supervisor upward trust has a positive effect to the attitude, behavior and performance of employee. Empirical results show that the employee-supervisor upward trust has a positive effect on employee's job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviors, job performance and supervisor commitment, a negative effect on employee's turnover intention.Fourthly, the supervisor commitment plays an intermediary role between employee-supervisor upward trust and the employees' attitude, behavior and performance.
     Compared with other research results, the dissertation's innovation and development is mainly reflected in the following areas: Firstly, it put forwards and tests the composing dimention and influencing factors of employee-supervisor upward trust, provides a theoretical orientation to how to set up the trust .secondly, it builds a new model checking the mechanism of employee-supervisor upward trust on individual attitudes, behavior and performance, using the domestic shortfall of empirical research findings to reveal the great significance of employee-supervisor upward trust in enterprise human resources management. Thirdly, it establishes a employee-supervisor upward trust's overall research model including composing dimension, influencing factorsand mechanism, makes up for previous studies in this area of structural deficiencies, improves theoretical prediction and explanation, and enriches the intra-organization trust studies.
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