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目的:缺血性脑卒中是目前我国主要的死亡和致残原因,严重威胁人民的生命和健康,给社会和家庭带来沉重的负担。缺血性卒中作为中老年人的常见病之一,其发病年龄有逐年年轻化的趋势,由此导致青年缺血性卒中的发病率不断上升,在增加缺血性卒中的复发率和致残率的同时,严重影响青壮年人群的生活质量。因此,探讨青年缺血性卒中患者的危险因素及病因学特征成为卒中防治的关键,也成为全球性研究的热点,对卒中早期防治有重要意义。国外研究报道[1],青年缺血性卒中的主要病因依次为吸烟(50.5%)、高脂血症(31.2%)、高血压病(22.6%)、酗酒(16.1%)等,明显不同于老年患者常见的发病原因。相关研究国内报道较少。基于此,本研究依据Trial of Org 10 172 in acute stroke treatment (TOAST)分型法[2],探讨不同年龄段缺血性脑卒中患者的病因,了解青年组缺血性卒中患者的病因学特征,研究其发病机制,指导不同年龄组缺血性卒中患者的防治。
     1、大动脉粥样硬化性卒中(large-artery atherosclerosis, LAA):这一类型卒中患者均经TCD和/或MRA、颈动脉多普勒超声扫描明确颅内外动脉粥样硬化性狭窄或闭塞的诊断,且责任血管的狭窄程度50%以上。
     2、小动脉卒中(腔隙性脑梗死small - artery occlusion lacunars, SAA):具备以下三项标准之一者即可确诊:(1)具有典型的腔隙性梗死综合征表现,且影像学检查可见与临床表现相符的、最大直径< 1.5 cm的责任病灶;(2)具有典型的腔隙性梗死综合征表现,但影像学检查未发现相应的责任病灶;(3)具有非典型的腔隙性脑梗死综合征表现,但影像学检查发现与临床表现相符的、最大径< 1.5 cm的责任病灶。
     3、心源性脑栓塞(cardioembolism, CE):这一类别包括各种具有心源性栓子来源的疾病引发的脑栓塞。
     4、其他原因引发的缺血性卒中(stroke of other demon- strated etiology, SOE):这一类别指由其他病因引发的脑梗死,该病因明确为高凝状态、血液系统疾病或吸食毒品等。
     5、原因不明的缺血性卒中(stroke of other undemon- strated etiology, SUE):这一类别包括不能归于以上类别的缺血性脑卒中。
     经Logistic回归分析显示,糖尿病、吸烟史与青年大动脉粥样硬化性卒中(LAA)密切相关(OR值分别为4.182,3.044; P值分别=0.020,=0.014);高血压病与青年小动脉性卒中(SAA)密切相关的危险因素为高血压病(OR值为6.444,P=0.004)。糖尿病、酗酒史、吸烟史、高血压病与中老年大动脉粥样硬化性卒中(LAA)密切相关,(OR值分别为17.872,7.738,2.739,2.191;P值均<0.0001)。高血压病、高脂血症与中老年小动脉性卒中(SAA)密切相关(OR值分别为:2.541,1.582;P值分别=0.0002,=0.014)。
Objective: The main factor of death and mutilation is ischemia stroke in our country, it brings heavy burden to the family and the country. Ischemia stroke is one of the common diseases of the old people, but its age of onset is diminishing year by year. Therefore, the morbidity of the ischemia stroke of young people is unceasing upgrade. The criticality of stroke prevention is studying the risk factors of young stroke; it’s also a global studying hot spot. The abroad studying covered that the main etiological factors of young ischemia stroke are smoking (50.5%), hyperpiesia (31.2%), hypertension (22.6%), drinking (16.1%). It’s obviously different from the senile patients. The internal correlated reports are less. On account of that, in order to understand the etiological characteristics and pathogenesis of young ischemia stroke patents, we determine the etiopathogenisis of different age section of stroke patients on the basis of Trial of Org 10 172 in acute stroke treatment (TOAST) criteria.
     Methods: Between January 2002 and June 2007, all ischemic stroke patients in inpatients were enrolled in this study. Their clinical and laboratory information, including the age, sex, blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose, fasting serum lipids, smoking, drinking, previous history and family history were recorded. According to age region, the patients were divided into two groups. The patients whose age was between 18 and 45 years old (including 18 and 45 years old) are the young group. The patients whose age was above 45 years old are the middle-aged and old-aged group.
     Cerebral infarction was classified into 5 categories according to the TOAST criteria:
     1.Large-artery atherosclerosis, LAA: the patients of this type were all examined by TCD, MRA or/and carotis Doppler ultrasound and diagnosed atherosclerotic stenosis or occlusion. And the degree of stenosis of the responsibility blood vessel was more than 50%.
     2.Small - artery occlusion lacunars, SAA: To be provided with one of the three standardization was final diagnosis. (1) To have the typical appearance of lacouna infarction syndrome, and the imageology examination was matched to the clinical appearance; the biggest diameter of the responsibility focus of infection was smaller than 1.5cm. (2) Having the appearance of lacouna infarction syndrome, but there wasn’t the responsibility focus of infection with the imageology examination. (3) There wasn’t typical appearance of lacouna infarction syndrome, but the imageology examination was matched to the clinical appearance, the biggest diameter of the responsibility focus of infection was smaller than 1.5cm.
     3.Cardioembolism, CE: this type included that all kinds diseases which have cardiogenical embolus initiated cerebral embolism.
     4.Stroke of other demonstrated etiology, SOE: this type is the cerebral infarction was initiated by other demonstrated etiology. The other demonstrated etiologies include hypercoagulabale state, hematological system disease, importation dope, et al.
     5.Stroke of other undemonstrated etiology, SUE: this type includes the cerebral infarction which wasn’t belong to the other four types.
     The stenosis or occlusions of cervical and intracranial vascular lesion were diagnosed by TCD/MRA.
     The association between the risk factors of stroke and the TOAST subtyping was determined by Logistic regression. Results: There were 102 young ischemic stroke patients, and there were 78 men (76.47%) and 24 women (23.53%). Their average age was 40±5.10 years. According to the TOAST criteria, stroke of LAA was 45(44.12%), stroke of SAA was 31 (30.39%), stroke of CE was 7 (6.86%), stroke of SOE was 6(5.88%), and stroke of SUE was 13 (12.75%). The constituent ratios of the risk factors were hypertension (69.61%), smoking (58.82%), hyperlipemia (43.14%), drinking (39.22%), and family history of stroke (24.51%), diabetes (20.59%).
     There were 1062 middle-aged and old-aged ischemic stroke patients, and there were 645 men (60.73%) and 417 women (39.27%). Their average age was 64.64±10.28 years. According to the TOAST criteria, stroke of LAA was 787 (74.11%), stroke of SAA was 218 (20.53%), stroke of CE was 29 (2.73%), stroke of SOE was 4 (0.38%), and stroke of SUE was 24 (2.26%). The constituent ratios of the risk factors were hypertension (78.51%), smoking (50.66%), hyperlipemia (35.40%), diabetes (31.07%), drinking (21.75%), and family history of stroke (16.57%).
     The result of logistic regression analysis was that diabetes and smoking were the independent risk factors of the LAA of young patients (OR values are 4.182, 3.004; P values are=0.020, =0.014); hypertension was the independent risk factors of the SAA of young patients (OR values is 6.444, P=0.004). Diabetes, drinking, smoking, and hypertension were the independent risk factors of the LAA of middle-aged and old-aged patients (OR values are 17.872, 7.738, 2.739, 2.191; P values are all<0.0001); hypertension and hyperlipemia were the independent risk factors of the SAA of middle-aged and old-aged patients (OR values and are 2.541, 1.582; P values are =0.0002, = 0.014).
     1.The turns of the TOAST criteria subtyping of young ischemic patients were large-artery atherosclerosis (LAA), small -artery occlusion lacunars (SAA), stroke of other undemonstrated etiology (SUE), cardioembolism (CE), and stroke of other undemonstrated etiology (SOE). The common risk factors were hypertension, smoking, hyperlipemia, and drinking.
     2.The turns of the TOAST criteria subtyping of middle-aged and old-aged ischemic patients were large-artery atherosclerosis (LAA), small - artery occlusion lacunars (SAA), cardioembolism (CE), stroke of other undemonstrated etiology (SUE), and stroke of other undemonstrated etiology (SOE). The common risk factors were hypertension, smoking, hyperlipemia, and diabetes.
     3.The TOAST criteria subtyping were obviously different between young ischemic patients and middle-aged/old-aged ischemic patients. Logistic regression showed that diabetes and smoking were significantly more common in large-artery atherosclerosis (LAA), and hypertension was significantly more common in small - artery occlusion lacunars (SAA). When we diagnose young ischemic patients, we must think highly of the risk factors of earlier arteriosclerotic and should consider the special etiological factors of young ischemic patients.
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