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In2009the State Council promulgated the “China Tumen River AreaDevelopment Program for Cooperation-with a long developing Pictured PilotZone”Chang-Ji-Tu region became a pilot area to implement our national strategy. Toadjust the regional development to the national economic development, the industrialstructure optimization in Chang-Ji-Tu major areas has much significance.
     Compared with developed regions, the industrial base is weak in Chang-Ji-Tuarea, the proportion of tertiary industry in the national economy is low. Therefore, thedevelopment of the tertiary industry must be increased with great efforts to activelyexplore consumer markets within the region, adjust the regional economic structure,promote green production methods, and improve the effectiveness of the tertiaryindustry in Chang-Ji-Tu region, so that the regional economic development will bemore rapid, more balanced, and greener.
     On the basis of reference of related researches, combined Chang-Ji-Tu regionaleconomic situation, make a more comprehensive analysis and discussion onChang-Ji-Tu industrial structure optimizing and economic development, trying tooptimize the industrial structure of Chang-Ji-Tu region development with regionaleconomy, to provide theoretical and empirical reference, to make policyrecommendations.
     The following text is divided into nine chapters, specific structural arrangementsas follows:
     Chapter I illustrates the research background, the main research questions,research methods, significance, articles ideas, structural arrangements and maincontent.
     Chapter II, a detailed review on the theory used in this article. Theories includeregional economic development, the relationship between the industrial structure andindustrial structure optimization theory, regional economic growth theory. Majorreview of the relationship between the industrial structure optimization and economicgrowth, the area of economic development theory, the theory of regional economicgrowth and industrial structure optimization. Through the theory of the regionalindustrial structure optimization, this studies have a clear logic.
     Chapter III discusses Changjitu optimization of industrial structure and regional economic development. The main reason on the optimization of industrial structure,purpose and meaning, as well as the optimization of industrial structure and theoverall relationship between economic development, including the rationalization ofthe industrial structure, the impact of high-class economic development. Consideredthe leading industry selection and replacement, efficient allocation of resources,changes in the demand structure of scientific progress and technology is the industrialstructure optimization major impacts; industrial structure rationalization can promotea balanced industrial structure and the dynamics of their equilibrium, industryStructure Upgrading can contribute to the progress and development of Changjituindustries.
     Chapter IV describes the economic situation in Changjitu region, industrydevelopment status, bottlenecks of Changjitu three industrial development, the spaceof industrial development. including industrial development, employment, industrystructure and leading industries, the bottleneck of industries. Agriculture is facingenvironmental pollution, the production chain is short, the lack of brand image;industry faces similar industrial structure, spatial distribution is not balanced, theindustry association is not strong, fewer international contacts, lack of innovation andother issues; services exist slow development, irrational industrial structure and otherissues.
     Chapter V, based on historical data of Changjitu region, using deviation-sharemethod, Chenery three industrial structure and industrial structure of high-classstandard indicators, analyzes the relationship between industrial structure optimizationand regional economic development, reasonable opinion on economic development.By deviation-share analysis found Changjitu industrial structure grow well gradually,but the proportion is not coordinate; three industrial proportion is not suitable; lowlevels of the second industrial scale, concentration is not high. Compared withChenery found the overall structure of the three industry is a little unreasonable, but isturning well; wherein the first industrial output value increased every year, theproportion had fallen to the standard value, indicating that the first industry is turningmore reasonable; second industry increased in value, but the proportion has declined,has entered the stage of rationalization. Insufficient level of development of tertiaryindustry, underweight, but has an upward trend of development. Consider the industystandard, Changjitu is higher than the national average, industrial structure adjustment is turning to high-class steadyly.
     Chapter VI, the use of empirical analysis of the region's industrial structureoptimization and abroad were compared and analyzed, selected the United States,Japan, Korea, Germany, China's Pearl River Delta region, analyze the industrialstructure of these countries or regions, to learn from those models. Among U.S.industries model, to follow the law of market to promote industries, but also takemacro policies to guide and accelerate the optimization of industrial structure byactivating new technology; Japan's industrial structure optimization prefer togovernment-led, supplemented by market; Korean industrial structure optimizationmodel is similar to Japan, to take the government-led development model combiningwith the export-oriented; Germany mainly through technological innovation mode,and actively develop green energy, to occupant the manufacturing market; Pearl RiverDelta region also belong to the government-led and export-oriented economy,supplemented industrial clustering model, and quickly occupied the domestic andinternational markets.
     Chapter VII, to summarize the problems of the industrial structure faced inChangjitu horizontally and vertically, including detailed questions, mainly of the threeindustries, development space and the government challenge. Wherein the lateralstructural problems facing the economy Changjitu are: delay in the adjustment ofindustrial structure, the proportion of three industries uncoordinated; industrialinternal structure is irrational; the size of the industry structure is not optimal.Longitudinal problem: the growing economic gap between the area is significant;urban manufacturing "hollow"; rural low economic efficiency.
     Chapter VIII, Changjitu regional economic development measures andrecommendations, including the goal of optimizing, ideas and suggestions, thegovernment's role in regional economic development, and analyzes the developmentof new industries in Changjitu areas, some economic development proposals.Changjitu government should: increase government investment in public facilitiesconstruction; optimize the industrial structure, enhance internal restructuring industry;schematization and planning, coordination of regional economic development;strengthen the role of the government functions, and strive for the economicdevelopment of the region; comply with market rules, the introduction of talent,promote regional economic optimization of industrial structure; persist in development, to achieve leaping development.
     Chapter IX, is the conclusion and outlook. Summarizes the conclusions ofChangjitu industrial structure optimization and economic development, someinspiration and research limitations, described future research directions.
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