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This research is carried through the LED industry of our nation is taken as the research object. In this research, the meaning and relationship of technology strategy, Performance Measurement and the performance are intended to find out. The research aims include that to find out what are the emphases and if there is difference of research & development in different technology strategies through demonstration research; to probe into if the important degree of the research & development indexes is difference to financial, customers, internal business and learning and growth perspectives in different technology strategies; to analyze the cooperating degree between the technology innovation strategies and the research & development performance indexes and how about the influence to the business.
     Based on the research motivation and aims, the related internal and international literatures are reviewed. They include the meaning of research & development and the technology innovation; the differentiate and relationship between the product innovation and manufacture progress innovation; the meaning and the classify of technology innovation strategy; the concept of research & development performance evaluation and the measurement indexes; the conception and the related literatures of the balanced scorecard and so on. And then, the research hypotheses are set up based on the literature review. In order to check the research hypotheses and achieve the research aim.
     The EXCEL and SPSS are used in the research to analyze the data. At first, the stylebooks are analyzed by the Descriptive Statistic Analysis method, and then the reliability and the validity of the questionnaires are analyzed. The result indicate that the Cronbachaof every surfaces variable in the questionnaires are larger than 0.6, and all of the Item to Total Correlations are not less then 0.35. So it is shown that the questionnaire is high reliability. Through the Factor Analyze, one to three effective factors can be picked up in every surfaces and the eigenvalue of which is larger than 1, the Cum Pct are higher than 50%, the P value are less then 0.001, so the variables of the questionnaires in this research are designed availably, namely the validity of the whole questionnaire is preferably. Then, the Factor analysis and Regression analysis are used to analyze the data and made out the corresponded conclusions.
     The conclusion is regarding the relationship between the important degree of the technology innovation strategy, financial surface and the learning and growth surface performance indexes and the real performance, it is shown that the high enthusiasm enterprises which didn't have higher regard for the financial surface and the learning and growth surface performance indexes than the technology defenders have better performance. It indicate that the technology innovation strategy of the Light Emitting Diode industry of our nation does not accordant to the point of the balance scorecard, so the technology inaugurators should decrease the important degree to the performance indexes of the financial surface and increase the important degree to the performance indexes of the learning and growth surface. Which can helpful to improve the real performance.
     Finally, some advices of the following-up researches are brought forward according to the conclusion and the restrictions of this research are pointed out.
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