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The government regulation and the reform of civil aviation industry are very typical and representative in the government regulation system of all countries, which plays an important role in the research of government regulation. Many developed market economy nations’reforms of government regulation taking United States as the example begin from the "open the sky".
     The Chinese aviation industry started from 1978 to implement the regulation reform has experienced successively for more than 20 years and obtained certain achievements at breaking monopoly and the introduction to competition. However, regulation system of our nation’s aviation industry hasn’t been established, namely nonexistent to correct and improve the inside problems of the market mechanism as the purpose of the government regulation, and also the problems of“who regulates, what should be regulated, and who regulates the regulator”have not actually solved. Having been reformed for more than 20 years, the market economy has already been in predominance position, but the aviation industry is among one of the few industries which practices the severest price rules and regulation and the price is governed by National Development and Planning Committee and other main supervisor departments. Up to now, it is not only one of the rare industries which reserves planned economy system of "the government and industry unite as one", but also fewer government monopoly markets, regional divided markets and one of the special benefits groups that hinder the development of related industry. Moreover, today aviation industry is more and more globalized, but the domestic competition ability of the Chinese airline isn't strong, and the margin of international top-grade airline is very big.
     This article believes that, in introducing competition, and the breaking monopoly to the aviation industry today which advances unceasingly for the primary coverage relaxation regulation, cannot again be merely to relax the regulation to the aviation industry for the purpose of relaxing the regulation, and its reform should be changed for setting up the new government regulation system under premise of the relaxation regulation. Only when the powerful regulation system makes the guarantee, it has been able to consolidate the past 20 years’reform achievements for aviation industry in separating government administration from enterprise management, introduction to competition, and breaking monopoly.
     Besides the preface the full article is constituted of four chapters, primary coverage as follows.
     The preface part has mainly introduced the selected topic background of the paper and the research significance, the research mentality and the method, the paper structural framing, the main innovation and the deficiency.
     Chapter one: summary of aviation industry’s regulation theory. It is mainly divided into the overseas literature summary and the domestic literature summary. The overseas literature part summarizes the aviation industry’s regulation theory, aviation industry regulation reform theory, and the re-reform of rules and regulations theory of aviation industry. The domestic literature part summarizes the causes of Chinese aviation industry regulation reform and the regulations reform overall mentality theory.
     Chapter two: present situation, problems and causes of Chinese aviation industry regulations reform. This chapter has thoroughly analyzes present situation of aviation industry and the problems and the causes after the reform of regulations of Chinese aviation industry. Along the historical vein of China’s market economy reform, this part has induced five stages of Chinese aviation industry regulation reform, and then is combined with the various links of aviation industry. Also it analyzes the present situation of entering regulation, the price regulation, the turning on regulation, the counter-monopoly regulation and the social regulation, and then thoroughly analyzes problems and causes which exist after the reform of aviation industry regulation in the aspects of regulation, regulation system and necessary measures of regulations.
     Chapter three: International experience and apocalypse of aviation industry’s regulation reform. This paper has analyzed aviation industry regulation reform course and the achievements of the developed market economy country, such as US, England, Japan and etc. In this foundation, it summarizes the experience of developed country regulation reform and the enlightenment to our country.
     Chapter four: measures to deepening regulation reform of Chinese aviation industry, which includes the consummation regulation system, the consummation regulation system and speeding up the reform of property right system, and it has made concrete and effective measures and suggestions to deepen our country’s aviation industry regulation reform.
     From the overall perspective, the paper summarizes and induces rationale of Chinese aviation industry regulation reform and the enlightenment of international experience through standard analysis and the real diagnosis analysis; the qualitative analysis and the quantitative analysis, as well as the combination of the logical and historical method research technique. It systemically and thoroughly analyzes the present situation, the problems and the causes of Chinese aviation industry’s regulation reform, and points that under comprehensively switching background of Chinese entire economic system, under the gradual globalization of international aviation industry, the operation system of Chinese aviation industry which developed from planned economy system can not adapt to the new circumstances obviously. During more than 20 year of regulation reforms, the Chinese aviation industry still has some problems such as poor management, low efficiency, the long-term loss and etc. In order to solve these problems we have further to deepen the aviation industry’s regulation reform, perfect regulation system, the consummate regulation system, and speed up the property right system reform.
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