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A summary of any kind of social law can only stem from the people' s social practice, and the laws of governance by the Communist Party from the practices of governance. A great era calls for a great theory, and a great theory comes from great practice. The important thought of the "Three Represents" has compiled with the requirement of development of the times, and has been put forward on the basis of deeply summarizing the socialist movements of the world and the historical experience of our Party in the 80-year struggle, and has been the new exploration and the new summary of the laws of governance by The Communist Party. The important thought of the "Three Represents" is a powerful theoretical weapon for strengthening and improving Party building and promoting self-improvement and development of socialism in China, and it is a guide for building socialism in our country, too. Persistent implementation of the "Three Represents" is the foundation for building our Party, the cornerstone for its governance,
    and the source of its strength. In carrying out the laws of governance of the "Three Represents" and building socialism with Chinese characteristics, we should act in compliance with objective law, as well as give full play to the subjective initiative, and realize the unity of theory and practice.
    This thesis contains four parts:
    Part One: From the angle of philosophy, this part expounds the law of governance by the Communist Party, and points out the philosophical location and the implications of value of the law. It is the general statement of this thesis.
    Part Two: Through reviewing the in-power practices of the Communist Party, this part illustrates the process that the members of the Communist Party have explored the law of governance by the Communist Party, which paves the way for putting forward the important thought of the "Three Represents" .
    Part Three: This part introduces the background characteristic of the times and the
    great significance of the important thought of the "Three Represents" . It expounds and proves the fact in detail that the important thought of the "Three Represents" are three basic laws of the Communist Party in power, and argues the law of governance by the Communist Party of China is an organic whole on the basis of the "Three Represents" , which must be consistent with the law of building socialism and the law of development of human society.
    Part Four: This part expounds how we put into practice the laws of governing through the "Three Represents" , and how we build socialism with Chinese characteristics.
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