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With the accelerated progress of modernization, China's twelfth "Five-Year Plan" strives to realize the joint development of urbanization, industrialization and agricultural modernization, and among which agricultural modernization is of fundamental importance. Establishing a new socialized agricultural service system is the objective requirement of China's transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, and an important part of modern agriculture. As the socialized agricultural service system of our country is in the transition from the old period to the new, the synergy problems of agricultural service organizations have constrained the process of agricultural modernization. According to its requirements for agricultural services, strengthening the organizational synergy mechanism in the agricultural service system, promoting the degree of socialization, marketization, specialization of agriculture services, and improving the agricultural service capability not only are the requirements of market law of the Chinese characterized agricultural modernization, but also can resolve the contradiction of the small farmer production and big market of China's agriculture. Thus, it has important historical significance for the crack of "dual economy" and the "three rural issues", and the integration of urban and rural economic and social development (the call of the 17th National Party Congress). Meanwhile, the organizational synergy of the socialized agricultural service system is conducive to resolve the urgent practical problems of lacking targeted services, influence, fairness, efficiency and effectiveness in the socialized agricultural services of our country.
     Socialized agricultural service system of our country is a complicated systematic project, including thousands of farmers, cooperative organizations, business organizations and relevant government departments. In the system, these organizations have complex relationship. Thus, how to use the system theory, social structure and function theory, social network theory and organizational learning theory to reduce the complex and uncertain factors of the agricultural service system with the collaborative structures and relationships of these organizations is the essence in the establishment of the new agricultural service system.
     Therefore, the main content of this study is to explore the mechanism of the external driving forces and internal driving forces of organizational synergy, and reveal the structural features, operating characteristics and inner movement laws of the socialized agricultural service system. Through the examination of the relationship symbols and the degrees of the driving forces, structural features, operating characteristics, inner movement laws, service capabilities and controlling factors among the socialized agricultural service system by empirical study, the paper aims to open the "black box" of relationship of different organizations in the agricultural service system, find out the dynamic mechanism and controlling mechanism which promoting the effective synergy of these organizations, in order to provide theoretical basis for policies of China's rural economic development and agricultural modernization, and propose measures and recommendations for the establishment of the new socialized agricultural service system. The specific research contents and methods are as follows.
     First of all, the paper has inductively analyzed the fact of domestic socialized agricultural service system and the evolution process and development trend of socialized agricultural service system home and aboard, and introduced the practical and theoretical background and significance of this study, and clearly put forward the object of the present study, the scope and procedures, and the research objectives to be achieved.
     Second, the study has conducted inductive and deductive analysis of the domestic and foreign research results, defined the scopes of the core concepts of agricultural service, socialized agricultural service, socialized agricultural service system, organizational synergy and service capability of agricultural service organization, etc., and further illustrated the boundaries of the study. On this basis, starting with system thinking logic and taking use of organizational learning theory, system emergence theory, social structure and function theory and social network theory, this study has explored the forward drive and negative control mechanisms of organizational synergy of in the socialized agricultural service system, and clarified the logical starting point and theoretical basis of this study.
     Third, surrounded the logic starting point and theoretical foundations of the systemic thought in this research, comparatively analyzed researches both at home and abroad about organizational synergy in socialized agricultural service system; deduced entire logical implications; and on the basis of above all, constructed the structural model of three dimensions in socialized agricultural service system, which are positively driven and negative control mechanism, the structure and operating characteristics of organizational synergy; illustrated basic postulates and application boundaries of the theoretical model, meanwhile, amended research theoretical model on the method of grounded theory by depth interview. According to logic relationships of dimensions, accomplished the measurable design of the theoretical model and brought up research postulates.
     Fourth, referenced on existing research achievements, developed the research scale, and tested the stability, reliability and validity. Analyzed the sample data empirically which take agricultural service organizations as interviewees.
     The main conclusions are:
     (1) Organizational synergy of agricultural service is the mechanism how internal elements interacted in socialized agricultural service system. The research results of organizational synergy of agricultural service opened the "black box" of the internal mechanism of socialized agricultural service system, and provided a scientific basis of constructing a new type of socialized agricultural service system.
     (2) The micro internal mechanism of organizational synergy is relational structures and operating characteristics among agricultural service organizations, and taking advantage of the impact of operable relationship structure and operational interactive mechanism, to achieve "the butterfly effect" of the organizational network synergy, namely the synergistic delivering effect of the organizational network in the socialized agricultural service system.
     (3) The main means to promote organizational synergy of socialized agricultural service are organization learning, market/technical requirement, government-driven, cost/competition driven and so on; some elements can regulate the synergy structures and its operation in socialized agricultural service organizations, they are legislation/policy, regulations on trade, moral code and so force. However, the government is lack of strength on developing organizational synergy of agricultural service, and the existing legislation/policy and business ethics are not suitable to the development of organizational synergy of agricultural service.
     (4) Service capability of agricultural service organization can be enhanced effectively by the organizational synergy in socialized agricultural service system. However, it is not significant that how normalized structure, operational scope and flexibility of agricultural organizational synergy influences the enhancement of basic service capability of agricultural service organization. And the efficiency of organizational synergy is just influences the "threshold capability" of organizational service. Then, put forward theoretical implications and policy recommendations based on research results.
     At last, the main contributions and innovations of this study are:①brought up a theoretical analysis framework between organizational synergy and service capability in socialized agricultural service system on the view of system logic;②erified the validity and applicability of theoretical model towards the study of socialized agricultural service system by the method of study macro problem on microscopic views in China;③esearch results show that organizational synergy of agricultural service is the internal mechanism of socialized agricultural service system construction, and organizational synergy is the result of interaction between driving force mechanism and control force mechanism and so force. The main limitations are:①due to resource constraints, adopt academic frequently-used stratied sampling rather than take the whole agricultural service organizations in China as population,so the sample precsion is insufficient;②in this research we study macro problems on microscopic views, therefore it is not sufficient on counter measures towards agricultural service organizations. And these limitations direct future researches.
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